Thursday, May 20, 2010

Neutralization At The Dentist

ForumPA: the Google way for school

Today I presented at the booth along with the head of Google in the Northeast, and Vannuzzi, general manager for Italy, the project of students from middle school who used Riva del Garda Google Earth to map their territory.

Here's the link:

The experience is described by the slide number 20 onwards.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Combined Eye And Ear Protection Woodworking

Speech at the "Festival of Freedom Digital" Wikipedia at school (the slides for the lazy ..)

Wikipedia to school

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Small Bubble Inside Mouth

Wikipedia to school, someone has flown the Cuckoo's Nest ....

Two lines on a topic that fascinates me and took me to write a paper for Didamatica 2010,
if you find it interesting to leave a comment.

Wikipedia school?

Wikipedia and dialogic practices and research information to it
related, may represent the cornerstone of a "small"
epistemological revolution in teaching and
perception that society has on the meaning and role of the school.

School and Wikipedia can share the same community practices and learning?
Each Wikipedia article is in effect a "shared artifact" which the method of revision and updating are encoded in rules that must be respected if you do not want to risk exclusion from the community. Employees of Wikipedia
feel it part of a larger community even if their contribution is often limited to the care of a few individual items on the one hand and then there is a sense of belonging to a collective process of constructing knowledge and a common project, they create other places of cognitive de-centralized (Wikipedia) in which each participant is his "niche work and competence.

Wikipedia has a feature so that other encyclopedias do not have: it is based on a community of practice very wide and diverse that it shares the same values \u200b\u200band a commitment to development activities and its maintenance. In this sense we could define each Wikipedia article as a "boundary object" a boundary object that is shared and used by more persone anche in modi differenti ma che comunque possiede un nucleo che ne mantiene costante una sua integrità .

Le esperienze delle scuole con Wikipedia sono ormai molte e presenti in tutto il mondo ed alcune hanno fornito lo spunto a livello istituzionale per una sua introduzione nella pratiche didattiche: ad esempio nella recente proposta di riforma della scuola primaria Inglese si propone una precoce familiarizzazione degli studenti proprio con i social network e con Wikipedia .

La scuola in questo senso può ricoprire un ruolo importante nel progetto di Wikipedia e viceversa Wikipedia può a sua volta fornire un importante supporto ai processi didattici ed educativi. Il paradigma di riferimento non può che essere di tipo costruttivistasociale where educational activities are more effective than those aimed at supporting an intentional learning, collaborative and where students are actively engaged in building knowledge through dialogical mode of participation open to "Legitimate peripheral participation."
Eventually this process takes the form of a "product" shared Web and is perceived as a useful service to others. Moreover, the process implies a more static vision of knowledge, but dynamic and constantly changing as Freire has long been suggested. Wikipedia, understood as a real "social software", then it is an effective tool that allows for sharing and memory of discourses, practices, signs, languages \u200b\u200b...... [read the full paper]