SIREM 2010 - Rome
In real time the annual meeting of SIREM in Rome. Speeches by prof. Galliani, PG Rossi and revolvers.
Revolver: How to think of technology in education-school? Two models: the Market
Technological push and pull.
The Pull are the needs of the market to influence the introduction of technology.
The school system which model do you use? Think about the technology to offset staffing shortages (eg. Online courses in the absence of resources to get them in there, or think of technology to meet the needs of parents - the school's image).
But it is difficult a priori predict the future 'question'. How do I know that investing in thousands of euro technologies actually give me the right direction?
The Push instead assumes instead that technological innovation in itself change the tastes of the people, and then introduce the technology in the school because this enhances the learning ... But what
variabili sono effettivamente in gioco in una valutazione poi degli apprendimenti? E quindi quale modello adottare? Ragionare su due problemi 1) Innovazione e Tecnologia: come si determinano? 2) E quindi come il sistema scuola può adottare teccnologia e produrre innovazione?
Pensiamo alle affordances delle tecnologie (D. Norman) reali e percepite! Contano però anche i bisogni che vengono dalle pratiche d'uso. Contano le retoriche del Marketing.
(riferimento a Rogers) 1) visibilità delle tecnologie 2) facilità d'uso 3) reversibilità 4) valori del gruppo condivisi.
Che strategie allora adottare?: dobbiamo considerare 1)formazione 2)didattica 3)management e 4) Technology Training
What skills?
youth cultures of today
languages \u200b\u200b(alphabetical, critical content, expressive)
individual-collaborative (peer-education)
auto-istruzione/costruzione digital citizenship
Web 2.0
logical network (content sharing)
social tagging
technology platforms and Web 2.0 ---- beyond traditional e-learning mobile learning
multichannel content and fluidity
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M. Lessona, De Agostini School books:
Text books cost € 174 per student per family. But how do we use textbooks in Italian schools? We pass over the years by the textbook as a "theoretical framework" a "unifying language" (required to handle the problem of immigrant students).
But that's not a textbook, more important are "digital media" for yourself for example LIM. The LIM attualmento * not * have a widespread reality, less than 10% of the schools has one.
In 2012-2013 you should switch to digital books. But what will happen by then in schools?
these initiatives are not enough extemporaneous then if state spending for broadband technologies and is totally inadequate compared to all other countries in the world. In the U.S. the cost is 230 € per student.
The educational publishing market in Europe is difficult for the Italians. No Italian publisher is considered important in Europe and worldwide. It 'important to think of an expanded market and internationally.
On what point? Mobile, thematic websites offering educational resources, and then what?
Now in its educational publishing industry has changed: the libraries, wholesalers, will still have a role? Three proposals:
1) Tax deduction for school books (and academics?)
2) L 'is now at 4% VAT for books, digital technology has 20% VAT
3) Participation by publishers for teaching innovation.
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Elena Mosa - ANSAS
Digital Tutors: competence profile of education (cl @ ssi 2.0) with the collaboration of CREMIT Milan.
There was a quality monitoring over the years managed the training of teachers from India: since 2001 (from FORTICA onwards). At first, the perception was of a network that was seen as a huge library where to look for information but were not very 'embodied' in the daily practices of formal and informal. The Forum theme were the most popular.
has highlighted three profiles: novice, practitioner and pioneer (Martin, Univ. Glasgow): 2000th
the students were about 15% in 2008 over 50%.
We have gone from a concept of training style "computer lab" to the media on the languages \u200b\u200band then there was a shift from a "Literacy" as a basis for consideration on skills.
S. Cinnamon - ANSAS
Environment PuntoEdu is trying to create communities that remain even after the formal moments of the courses and therefore also in the informal. "The technologies have to get inside the disciplinary knowledge" (Ala-Mutka, 2008). The tutor now becomes a "coach" with considerable change of role. A survey of ethnographic wanted to see if they change the practices of use of technology by teachers as:
-reaction of the participants
-learning on the job-application
National Plan aimed at improving quality and excellence in mathematics: declared by the needle, at first I find the students and then, after the teaching, learning occurs with the appropriate test.
--------------------------------------------- G . Biondi - ANSAS
Teacher training is designed now is to subject areas in which professional behavior. The problem mathematics is one of the warmest in terms of both performance and teaching with technology. In 2011, the schools have taken the digital books can be an opportunity to think about a new generation of digital content (not just PDF!)
New methods for the construction of knowledge that must connect to innovative learning environments. The LIM
are just one of many technologies that support ANSAS, the emphasis is not on then either existing technologies or to be on but * the learning process "that must improve. How to create a friendly environment for students.
Galliani - University Padua
We need to move from trials of new technologies to generally accepted practices.
We need to move to e-books agree ... and then? or do you also think about digital content?
Monitor and evaluate change but * * with a participatory evaluation, project evaluation 2.0 cl @ ssi shared between all the players there.
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Biondi - final comment
Cl @ ssi 2.0: the investment will be proportional to the results: the technology never give "rain",
we certainly want to invest in training and method. The teacher is a crucial figure, the most talented teachers must be paid more, career advancement should no longer be automatic but attached to the substance.
innovation processes must be continuous, the initial training and in-service teacher education must be constant.
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