Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Justice Reform: delayed presentation to the Council of Ministers

ROME (November 29) - The justice reform package announced in recent days by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will not be before the Council of Ministers on Tuesday. According to reports, the Minister of Justice Angelino Alfano decided, after consulting the prime minister to postpone everything until after December 14, when Parliament will express confidence in the government.

"We continue to work on the 5 points on which abbbiamo won the confidence of the country and Tuesday will be the approval of the reform of justice, said on Friday the Prime Minister .

aside the initial idea of \u200b\u200bbringing in the Council tomorrow also the bill on the constitutional separation of career judges and CSM-pm, the remainder of the justice reform package would have to be composed of a Decree-Law (with urgent measures to reduce the backlog in the calendar) and two bill (honorary reform of the judiciary, changes to the legislative decree 231 del 2001 sulla responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche). Questi ultimi tre testi erano stati diramati per la riunione del preconsiglio che si è tenuta stamane.  

Nel frattempo, però, Alfano avrebbe convenuto con  Berlusconi sull'opportunità di far slittare l'intera riforma della giustizia a dopo il 14 dicembre. Secondo quanto si apprende nel centrodestra, infatti, si sarebbe deciso di non mettere "altra carne al fuoco" in un momento politicamente delicato come l'attuale. In più, si aggiunge, il premier in questi giorni sarebbe troppo assorto da numerosi impegni internazionali: is now in Libya and then should go to Kazakhstan and then to shareholders. Another explanation for the postponement, which circulates in these hours in Transatlantic, is that by which they would try to avoid raising further the minds in a time when the undecided in Parliament, on the face of trust, would not be so few.

(Source: "The Morning" 11/29/2010)


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