I the Council of Ministers in approving the decree called one thousand extensions provided for the extension of judges peace deadline by February 28, 2011, unsatisfied demand for an extension of the Union on all colleagues to expire until December 31, 2011. A modification of the standard will be required when it approved the decree.
The text of the decree insofar as it concerns the Justices of the Peace and Got VPO is:
"Extension of honorary judges"
"In paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Decree Law No 29 December 2009 193, with amendments into law February 22, 2010, No 24 shall make the following changes:
- the words "whose term expired December 31, 2009" shall be replaced by "whose mandate expires Dec. 31, 2010;
- le parole “ il cui mandato scade entro il 31 dicembre 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “il cui mandato scade entro il 28 febbraio 2011”;
- le parole a far data dal 1° gennaio 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “a far data dal 1° gennaio 2011”
- le parole “non oltre il 31 dicembre 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “non oltre il 31 dicembre 2011”.
Pertanto la nuova normativa è la seguente:
“ I giudici onorari e i vice procuratori onorari il cui mandato è scaduto il 31 dicembre 2010 ... ... ...., And the Justices of the Peace whose term shall expire February 28, 2011 and for which no one further confirmation in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Law of 21 November 1991, n. 374, as amended, is further extended by performing their respective duties with effect from 1 January 2011 until the comprehensive reform of the judiciary and not an honorary, not later than December 31, 2011. "
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