Sen. James Caliendo |
Thursday, January 13, in afternoon, a delegation of the National Union of justices of the peace, together with other representations of class, was received at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice in Arenula, by Secretary of State, Senator James Caliendo.
The meeting noted quite disappointing, highlighting the one hand, the entrenchment of the Secretary Caliendo in its negative position with regard to the main instances of category (continuity and security), on the other, the stalemate on other salient points of the reform on several occasions dealt with in previous meetings (range of offices, incompatibility, composition of the court, etc ...), where, after one year, have not yet made changes from the original draft drawn up in 2009.
There was complete closure of the Secretary Caliendo on recognition to all of the renewability of terms of office until the age of 75 years, categorically excluded both in the reform, both in the into law of dl milleproroghe currently before the Senate.
He stands a smoky and discriminating transitional rule, which is intended, the words of the Secretary Caliendo, a " term "gradually justices of the peace currently in service.
Similarly, the Secretary has indicated Caliendo total closure to all forms of social protection of the justice of the peace , justifying it first on the basis of technical barriers exist, and later, as a result of the findings made by the based on alleged deficiencies and also non-existent budget, rejecting any suggestion on this issue (funding).
In relation to the draft revision of staff on 4700 Judges, submitted to the CSM for an opinion on the findings of inconsistency with the provision of the proposed reform (which reduces the workforce to 3200 units) and the danger of a massive entry of new judges, the Secretary has not provided any explanation and justification, claiming that something different from the question of reform.
The Union has condemned the closure and the contradictory behavior of the Ministry, during the meetings, has expressed general willingness to make changes to the reform project, and then tried twice (in December 2009 and November 2010) to approve the Council of Ministers un testo di riforma avversato dalla categoria tutta con cinque settimane di sciopero e , cosa gravissima, di avere presentato al CSM un progetto di revisione delle piante organiche degli uffici che consente una immediata immissione di nuovi giudici e l’avvio di nuovi concorsi in contrasto con l’esigenze degli uffici e di una razionale riforma.
In considerazione dell’esito assolutamente negativo dell’incontro, lo sciopero del 17-28 gennaio resta confermato.
L’Unione ha promosso ieri la presentazione al Senato di un emendamento al d.l. mille proroghe per confirmation of all the GDP up to 75 years.
The National President
(Gabriele Longo)
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