Monday, February 28, 2011

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AC 4086-A
The Chamber,
honorary the judiciary no longer has, by now for several years and occasional a complementary role, but rather plays an absolutely crucial in responding to a demand for justice that comes from more heavily citizens

the present structure of the category no longer corresponds to the model theoretical, because the service is rendered by the honorary robes instead to a benefit of employment: this is also the orientation of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation;

Italy has avoided because of their activities, thousands of convictions by the European Community and a rain actions for the Pinto Act, which provides compensation to the parties of a process, where the sentence is handed down with too many years of delay

However, at present, there are several categories of lay judges, with equally diverse selection criteria, with different pay and different durations of labor relations, in an environment of insecurity not justified by the quality of service increasingly comes with a high level of professionalism;

in particular, the justices of the peace exercise of fundamental judicial function which judges the next articles in the area and as such close to the daily demands the city: It is a fact that they now constitute an essential element of Italian law, but precisely because of this consolidation is necessary to define them more clearly and with the utmost urgency, the legal features of the figure established by the Act on November 21 1991, n. 374, depending on the characteristics that have developed and established in the meantime;

their productivity is very high: the processes take place very quickly, lasting on average less than a year (exactly 340 days) as opposed to the judgments in the Court of First Instance reach an average of 960 days. This explains why some years before the magistrates of peace hangs on 15 percent of all criminal cases, 50 percent of litigation in civil matters, 100 percent of administrative penalties, whereas the doubling in value in the field of competence, over the validation of the measures prefectural expulsion of aliens;

the judiciary Peace defines two million cases per year: according to data from the Ministry of Justice, less than 10 percent of the judgments delivered is the subject of appeal:
looming therefore the need for the Executive complies with previous commitments, in Justices of the Peace so that they can fully exercise a jurisdiction that gives effect to the constitutional principle of reasonable duration of process, in accordance with Article 111 of the Constitution;

the continuous extensions of the deadline does not allow judges in themselves performing the duties quietly and efficiently, as it is extremely difficult la gestione di un ruolo che dovrebbe esaurirsi in dodici mesi: risulta gravemente lesivo dell’autonomia della magistratura, oltre che un pericoloso precedente (forse unico in Europa), che dei magistrati, titolari delle funzioni giudiziarie ordinarie, siano rinnovati di anno in anno con un provvedimento governativo meramente discrezionale;

la continuità del servizio non contrasta affatto con la presunta natura onoraria dell’incarico, considerando che già altre componenti della categoria in questione (giudici tributari ed esperti dei Tribunali per i Minorenni) hanno ottenuto in tempi recenti tale riconoscimento;

a seguito legislative changes that have allowed for many years, access to those who have completed 30 years of age, the state took advantage of young professionals (mostly lawyers, judges or former judges' fees tax court) committed full-time in the exercise of the judicial function, for which the compensation paid for the work of judges is the only income

not be right to consider the condition of different judges who are judges and lay judges, as they deal with , educate and decide disputes involving, at different levels, citizens wishing to assert their rights through the courts;

la natura cosiddetta “indennitaria” della retribuzione del lavoro svolto dal giudice onorario rappresenta una “ fictio ”, tenuto conto che nella maggior parte dei casi si tratta di un impegno a tempo pieno che richiede formazione, aggiornamento, diligenza, nonché alta qualità;

non è accettabile che uno Stato di diritto che vanta una lunga tradizione democratica fondata sul lavoro, pretenda di adempiere alla funzione giurisdizionale attraverso giudici di pace dei quali voglia perpetuare lo status giuridico di soggetti precari: this condition is no longer sustainable, not only for the respect due to the dignity of the court, but for the indispensable and essential guarantees of autonomy and independence to be guaranteed to every magistrate in the public interest;
also 'Europe has forced our country to change and recognize the rights humiliated too long: on 17 November, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has finally approved the Recommendation CM / Rec (2010) 12 " on judges: independence, effectiveness and accountability » .

la raccomandazione contiene importanti affermazioni a tutela dell’indipendenza della magistratura, considerata come un « elemento connaturale allo Stato di diritto ed essenziale per l’imparzialità dei giudici ed il funzionamento del sistema giudiziario » . Il provvedimento individua come elemento chiave dell’indipendenza dei giudici " sure to stay in the functions el'inamovibilità " . Inevitable consequence of this principle is the guarantee of remaining in office until they reach the age of retirement;

EU ministers also gave their views on the issue of remuneration of judges, who " must be commensurate their professional role and their responsibilities and must ensure the maintenance of reasonable compensation in case of sickness, maternity or paternity leave, and payment of a pension for retirement " ;

if this situation was already unacceptable periods of normal economic performance, because it represented an almost systematic violation of constitutional rights and, above all, that of Article . 24 of the Constitution, has become untenable in recent years of economic crisis che colpisce con particolare virulenza tutti gli strati della società, imprese comprese, in quanto l'inefficienza della giustizia ha pesanti ripercussioni sull'economia e sullo sviluppo del Paese,

impegna il Governo

a valutare l’opportunità di adottare in tempi brevi misure volte a garantire ai magistrati onorari una maggiore continuità nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni, evitando il ricorso a mere proroghe annuali, un equo trattamento economico, nonché forme di tutela previdenziale ed assistenziale.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Fabrizio Fabbri

Un' occasione per andare in a nice place to admire the paintings by Fabrizio Fabbri, eclectic author of Suburbs .
flock, while we keep the wine fresh ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Proroga dei Gdp in scadenza e riforma

Il decreto milleproroghe approvato contiene l 'emendamento che proroga fino al 31 dicembre 2011 il mandato dei gdp in servizio che sono scaduti il 31 dicembre 2010 ,e tutti coloro il cui mandato  scade definitivamente nell'anno e fino al 31 dicembre 2011.
Non sono stati approvati gli emendamenti presentati da vari senatori, da noi contattati e riproposti anche in aula, sulla rinnovabilità dei mandati senza limiti fino al 75° anno di età, a riprova che non esistono scorciatoie all'approvazione di una riforma organica del    magistratura di pace.
Gli scioperi della Class of 2009/10 and the recent gennaioi 2011 have managed to avoid Caliendo project approval by the Council of Ministers.
Furthermore, following the declaration of a strike on January 17 to 28 after months of silence, we were summoned by the Secretary that Caliendo was willing to amend the text proposed just weeks before the Council of Ministers in some parts particularly punitive (removal coordinators, aggravation of the incompatibility of the profession) and to increase slightly the renewal of mandates.
This is not enough. We have reiterated our fundamental demands to the Minister (CONT 'SECURITY AND on top) and expect an immediate and concrete response.
The timing of the overall reform of the justice are mature and that is very current of the judiciary to peace and called honorary.
gdp I have had the merit of not worsen dramatically gradients defining civil cases over 13 million and 23 million cases and providing an invaluable tool for policy on illegal immigration.
WE ARE NOT WILLING TO ACCEPT FURTHER REFORMS AND PUNITIVE AND DELAYS We are convinced that the entire category and relevant representative bodies are united in defense of fundamental rights.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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(Sticker by Done The Daily February 16th)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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(Sticker by Done The Daily of February 13)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Maurizio de Tilla, OAU chairman, "rejected the first assault of the strong powers, the green light in the committee amendment providing for the postponement of an obligatory nature of no mediaconciliazione is of great importance. Forte knows Ra our commitment to prevent continuing the improper interference of those who Vu ole "privatize" civil justice (Confindustria, etc.) "


Body Advocacy Unit welcomes the successful outcome of the initiative for the postponement of the mandatory one year in mediaconciliazione ttes to the amendment of Legislative Decree, as indicated by a motion unanimously appr ovata the recent National Lawyers Congress. The first success was the presentation bipartisan amendments to the Justice Committee that r ECEP requests advocacy (Lusi, Benedetti Valentini, and Della Monica to etc.), yesterday, one of them is Budgets approved in the Commission meeting oe for Constitutional Affairs.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the political representation of lawyers ati, Maurizio de Tilla, left, last night, two letters (of you follow o): one to the Minister of Justice and Alfano one to the President of Confindustria, Em but Marcegaglia.

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  1. Prot No 9441/10 - Proposal under Article. 9, 4th co., L. No 374/91 and subsequent amendments. modif. and pursuant to art. 17, 5 co, DPR 198/00, President of the Court of Appeal of Salerno, on a magistrate of the district.
(rel. Attorney General)
  1. Prot No 6096 - Assessment of suitability for confirmation in the functions of dr. Antonio Boffi, Justice of the Peace of Nocera Inferiore. (Rel. GdP Sarno)
  1. Prot No 6338 – Giudizio di idoneità per la conferma nelle funzioni della dott.ssa Anna De Bartolomeis, Giudice di pace di Roccadaspide. (rel. GdP Gamberini)
  1. Prot. n. 325/11 – Istanza in data 17.01.2011 dell’a.i.g.a. sez. Salerno. (rel. Presidente)
  1. Prot. n. 646 – Istanza in data 27.01.2011 della dott.ssa A. Sessa De Prisco Giudice di pace di Salerno. (rel. dott.ssa D’Avino)
  1. Varie ed Eventuali.

Gli affari sono stati assegnati ai relatori a norma dell’art. 8 del Regolamento.

Federico Cassano

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L’Unione Nazionale dei Giudici di Pace preso atto con soddisfazione della massiccia adesione allo sciopero del 17-28 gennaio, della sensibilizzazione ottenuta presso tutte le forze politiche con il Convegno tenuto a Roma il 26 gennaio 2011 presso l’Aula magna della Corte di Appello di Roma, ha posto all’attenzione del Ministro Angelino Alfano la necessità di presentare immediatamente al Consiglio dei Ministri un progetto per la riforma della magistratura di pace che introduca la continuità del rapporto fino 75 years, the social security protection, including through a standard proxy for immediate implementation and the reduction in staff.
The EU initiative has been directly supported and shared by major political forces.

The President The Secretary General
Gabriele Longo ; Alberto Rossi

Monday, February 7, 2011

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There is a song of Celentano, but the title of section satirical inlusa in photographic exhibition "Along the trail of a 'helix' , the Palazzo Ducale in Lucca.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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(Sticker by Done The Daily 29 January)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Conferma Giudici di pace in scadenza - esame a campione delle sentenze: sorteggiati i bimestri

He informed his colleagues that need to be confirmed for a third term at which the CPC Salerno-section, the Judicial Council Justices of the Peace were extracted for the two months the levy sample of civil judgments and criminal-related ordinances to attach.

the two months are:

Year 2007 Year
01:11:07 to 01:01:08 01:11:08 to 01:01:09 2008
Year-2009 1:11:09 01:01 .10
Year 2010 01:11:10 to 01:01:11