AC 4086-A
The Chamber,
honorary the judiciary no longer has, by now for several years and occasional a complementary role, but rather plays an absolutely crucial in responding to a demand for justice that comes from more heavily citizens
the present structure of the category no longer corresponds to the model theoretical, because the service is rendered by the honorary robes instead to a benefit of employment: this is also the orientation of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation;
Italy has avoided because of their activities, thousands of convictions by the European Community and a rain actions for the Pinto Act, which provides compensation to the parties of a process, where the sentence is handed down with too many years of delay
However, at present, there are several categories of lay judges, with equally diverse selection criteria, with different pay and different durations of labor relations, in an environment of insecurity not justified by the quality of service increasingly comes with a high level of professionalism;
in particular, the justices of the peace exercise of fundamental judicial function which judges the next articles in the area and as such close to the daily demands the city: It is a fact that they now constitute an essential element of Italian law, but precisely because of this consolidation is necessary to define them more clearly and with the utmost urgency, the legal features of the figure established by the Act on November 21 1991, n. 374, depending on the characteristics that have developed and established in the meantime;
their productivity is very high: the processes take place very quickly, lasting on average less than a year (exactly 340 days) as opposed to the judgments in the Court of First Instance reach an average of 960 days. This explains why some years before the magistrates of peace hangs on 15 percent of all criminal cases, 50 percent of litigation in civil matters, 100 percent of administrative penalties, whereas the doubling in value in the field of competence, over the validation of the measures prefectural expulsion of aliens;
the judiciary Peace defines two million cases per year: according to data from the Ministry of Justice, less than 10 percent of the judgments delivered is the subject of appeal:
looming therefore the need for the Executive complies with previous commitments, in Justices of the Peace so that they can fully exercise a jurisdiction that gives effect to the constitutional principle of reasonable duration of process, in accordance with Article 111 of the Constitution;
the continuous extensions of the deadline does not allow judges in themselves performing the duties quietly and efficiently, as it is extremely difficult la gestione di un ruolo che dovrebbe esaurirsi in dodici mesi: risulta gravemente lesivo dell’autonomia della magistratura, oltre che un pericoloso precedente (forse unico in Europa), che dei magistrati, titolari delle funzioni giudiziarie ordinarie, siano rinnovati di anno in anno con un provvedimento governativo meramente discrezionale;
la continuità del servizio non contrasta affatto con la presunta natura onoraria dell’incarico, considerando che già altre componenti della categoria in questione (giudici tributari ed esperti dei Tribunali per i Minorenni) hanno ottenuto in tempi recenti tale riconoscimento;
a seguito legislative changes that have allowed for many years, access to those who have completed 30 years of age, the state took advantage of young professionals (mostly lawyers, judges or former judges' fees tax court) committed full-time in the exercise of the judicial function, for which the compensation paid for the work of judges is the only income
not be right to consider the condition of different judges who are judges and lay judges, as they deal with , educate and decide disputes involving, at different levels, citizens wishing to assert their rights through the courts;
la natura cosiddetta “indennitaria” della retribuzione del lavoro svolto dal giudice onorario rappresenta una “ fictio ”, tenuto conto che nella maggior parte dei casi si tratta di un impegno a tempo pieno che richiede formazione, aggiornamento, diligenza, nonché alta qualità;
non è accettabile che uno Stato di diritto che vanta una lunga tradizione democratica fondata sul lavoro, pretenda di adempiere alla funzione giurisdizionale attraverso giudici di pace dei quali voglia perpetuare lo status giuridico di soggetti precari: this condition is no longer sustainable, not only for the respect due to the dignity of the court, but for the indispensable and essential guarantees of autonomy and independence to be guaranteed to every magistrate in the public interest;
also 'Europe has forced our country to change and recognize the rights humiliated too long: on 17 November, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has finally approved the Recommendation CM / Rec (2010) 12 " on judges: independence, effectiveness and accountability » .
la raccomandazione contiene importanti affermazioni a tutela dell’indipendenza della magistratura, considerata come un « elemento connaturale allo Stato di diritto ed essenziale per l’imparzialità dei giudici ed il funzionamento del sistema giudiziario » . Il provvedimento individua come elemento chiave dell’indipendenza dei giudici " sure to stay in the functions el'inamovibilità " . Inevitable consequence of this principle is the guarantee of remaining in office until they reach the age of retirement;
EU ministers also gave their views on the issue of remuneration of judges, who " must be commensurate their professional role and their responsibilities and must ensure the maintenance of reasonable compensation in case of sickness, maternity or paternity leave, and payment of a pension for retirement " ;
if this situation was already unacceptable periods of normal economic performance, because it represented an almost systematic violation of constitutional rights and, above all, that of Article . 24 of the Constitution, has become untenable in recent years of economic crisis che colpisce con particolare virulenza tutti gli strati della società, imprese comprese, in quanto l'inefficienza della giustizia ha pesanti ripercussioni sull'economia e sullo sviluppo del Paese,
impegna il Governo
a valutare l’opportunità di adottare in tempi brevi misure volte a garantire ai magistrati onorari una maggiore continuità nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni, evitando il ricorso a mere proroghe annuali, un equo trattamento economico, nonché forme di tutela previdenziale ed assistenziale.
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