Friday, February 18, 2011

Short Barbell Tongue Rings

Proroga dei Gdp in scadenza e riforma

Il decreto milleproroghe approvato contiene l 'emendamento che proroga fino al 31 dicembre 2011 il mandato dei gdp in servizio che sono scaduti il 31 dicembre 2010 ,e tutti coloro il cui mandato  scade definitivamente nell'anno e fino al 31 dicembre 2011.
Non sono stati approvati gli emendamenti presentati da vari senatori, da noi contattati e riproposti anche in aula, sulla rinnovabilità dei mandati senza limiti fino al 75° anno di età, a riprova che non esistono scorciatoie all'approvazione di una riforma organica del    magistratura di pace.
Gli scioperi della Class of 2009/10 and the recent gennaioi 2011 have managed to avoid Caliendo project approval by the Council of Ministers.
Furthermore, following the declaration of a strike on January 17 to 28 after months of silence, we were summoned by the Secretary that Caliendo was willing to amend the text proposed just weeks before the Council of Ministers in some parts particularly punitive (removal coordinators, aggravation of the incompatibility of the profession) and to increase slightly the renewal of mandates.
This is not enough. We have reiterated our fundamental demands to the Minister (CONT 'SECURITY AND on top) and expect an immediate and concrete response.
The timing of the overall reform of the justice are mature and that is very current of the judiciary to peace and called honorary.
gdp I have had the merit of not worsen dramatically gradients defining civil cases over 13 million and 23 million cases and providing an invaluable tool for policy on illegal immigration.
WE ARE NOT WILLING TO ACCEPT FURTHER REFORMS AND PUNITIVE AND DELAYS We are convinced that the entire category and relevant representative bodies are united in defense of fundamental rights.


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