Thursday, December 23, 2010

Scholarship For People With Lazy Eye


(Sticker by Done The Daily of December 22)

2010 Texas Title Premium Rates

Extension of GDP in end

I the Council of Ministers in approving the decree called one thousand extensions provided for the extension of judges peace deadline by February 28, 2011, unsatisfied demand for an extension of the Union on all colleagues to expire until December 31, 2011. A modification of the standard will be required when it approved the decree.
The text of the decree insofar as it concerns the Justices of the Peace and Got VPO is:
"Extension of honorary judges"
"In paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Decree Law No 29 December 2009 193, with amendments into law February 22, 2010, No 24 shall make the following changes:
  1. the words "whose term expired December 31, 2009" shall be replaced by "whose mandate expires Dec. 31, 2010;
  2. le parole “ il cui mandato scade entro il 31 dicembre 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “il cui mandato scade entro il 28 febbraio 2011”;
  3. le parole a far data dal 1° gennaio 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “a far data dal 1° gennaio 2011”
  4. le parole “non oltre il 31 dicembre 2010” sono sostituite dalle parole “non oltre il 31 dicembre 2011”.
Pertanto la nuova normativa è la seguente:

I giudici onorari e i vice procuratori onorari il cui mandato è scaduto il 31 dicembre 2010 ... ... ...., And the Justices of the Peace whose term shall expire February 28, 2011 and for which no one further confirmation in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Law of 21 November 1991, n. 374, as amended, is further extended by performing their respective duties with effect from 1 January 2011 until the comprehensive reform of the judiciary and not an honorary, not later than December 31, 2011. "

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Are Sword Canes Illegal In Tennessee


In Library
SDISONORATA COMPANY ', by Giampiero Caldwell

From the preface by Giancarlo Santalmassi : "Reading ' Sdisonorata Company' will usher in the Sicilian culture (whose importance is fundamental Falcone recognized as you must know the enemy to knock) the door, even through the keyhole of small
everyday. Warning: It is the back door, but dripping little things of every day, very large for each individual, and that ultimately do 'culture'. "

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mount And Blade 1,011 Game


On Newsstands found AVARAT 2 second and final part of 'last blockbuster parody of Leo Ortolani, this number strictly 3D . All 'inside a nice interview on the making off , edited by Andrea Plazzi (in the photo, the one with glasses ...).

Monday, December 20, 2010

Como Conseguir Plp Matlab


(Sticker by the daily of December 18)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Navy 15 Year Retirement

lay judges, the OAU: Sorting unified. The body launches unified proposal for a reform bill.

Unify honorary magistracy in one jurisdiction: it is the cornerstone of the proposed reform of the system of judges who are judges advocated by the OAU, Organization of the Advocacy Unit, the political arm of Italian defenders. The OAU proposal was made yesterday by the Chairperson of the unit, Maurizio de Tilla, Bologna during a conference organized by the district council of the National Magistrates and Justices of the Peace by the National Association on the theme "The contribution honorary service to the judiciary justice: what future? ".

The proposed amendment Advanced Body unit forms part of the Decalogue OAU proposals to modernize the judicial apparatus. So we start from the idea to unify all the existing figures of honorary judges esistenti nell'ordinamento giudiziario.

La proposta rilanciata dall'Oua riveste particolare attualità se si considera che da lunedì 17 gennaio i giudici di pace sciopereranno per due settimane, proprio per chiedere un nuovo assetto normativo.
Il ruolo della magistratura non togata riveste un peso sempre maggiore nell'amministrazione della giustizia. Le cifre sono eloquenti: nel panorama della giurisdizione del nostro Paese, agli ottomila magistrati di carriera (o togati) si aggiungono circa 10mila giudici onorari (fra giudici di pace, got, goa, e così via) ai quali sono affidati un milione e 500mila processi civili e penali. La cifra dei processi è destinata ad incrementarsi per effetto della riforma del processo che eleva la competenza per valore e per materia del giudice di pace (che è giudice di diritto e marginalmente di equità).

"Insomma - commenta de Tilla - l'impegno dei giudici laici non è più un'emergenza o una soluzione temporanea della giurisdizione. Occorre una nuova legge ordinamentale che regoli compiutamente la materia. Non è più possibile configurare - aggiunge il numero uno dell'Organismo unitario dell'avvocatura - una pluralità di giudici onorari nei diversi ambiti jurisdiction of these figures with no prospects for a role and a unitary configuration. "According to the OAU, therefore, we must put a hand on a number of reform-oriented pillars: first, we must" ensure - supports de Tilla - the equal dignity of the judiciary honorary and stipendiary magistrates, emphasizing the independence and autonomy. "

On the question of recruitment suggests that the OAU with select access to examinations or competitions Enabling courses and to entrust to the Judicial Councils and the Bar Council as permanent training since the update.
The OAU proposal also reaffirms the need to provide a rigorous system of absolute incompatibility, "which finds a counterpart in measures to" ensure the honorary judges adequate remuneration and social security ", all with a view to" eliminate the nature precarious function and solve the problem of stabilizing at least an honorary part of the judiciary. "
more delicate face is that of supervision: the OAU in this regard suggests setting up a body of ethical control with territorial divisions to be composed of lawyers appointed by self-government lawyers and stipendiary magistrates. The word is now in the legislature.
(Fonte: Il Denaro - R. Fugliaro)

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Good Disease To Write About

good news

(Vignette from Frigidaire 229)

D goes on sale Dec. 14 at the No 230 of Frigidaire , but it is always 's invitation to subscribe (because it is not distributed on the islands ...). The good news is that Vince Sparagna won the case against the Mayor of Giano dell 'Umbria, who wanted him out of the structure Frigolandia. Frigolandia is now the permanent museum, archive and drafting of the legendary magazine, as well as host an oasis for those who go over there to regenerate limbs and brain.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Build A Wooden Wall Mounted Pot Rack


Bonfatti Massimo, who had collaborated with Mario Monicelli with the project Long Hair , recalls the director in a sincere and passionate about his site.

Cricket Ball Standard Measurements

The revolt of the Justices of the peace against the government's plans

Si riporta l'articolo pubblicato su "La Repubblica - Affari e Finanza" del 6/12/2010:

Say Yes To The Dress Sola's Dress

-week strike COURTS OF PEACE FROM January 17, 2011

Il  Direttivo Nazionale dell’UNAGIPA, convocato d’urgenza a Roma il 2 dicembre u.s., ha esaminato il testo di un disegno di legge che il Ministro Alfano ed il Sottosegretario Caliendo hanno posto all’ordine del giorno della seduta del Consiglio dei Ministri programmata per martedì  scorso e rinviata solo poche ore prima.
Il Ministero di via Arenula, in persona del Sottosegretario Caliendo, smentendo ancora una volta i reiterati impegni del Ministro Alfano a favore della stabilizzazione della magistratura di pace, ha riproposto un disegno di legge già ritenuto inaccettabile un anno fa dalla categoria e contrastato con cinque settimane di sciopero.
Il “progetto Caliendo” appiattisce verso il basso figure di magistrati onorari radicalmente incompatibili fra loro (GdP, GoT e Vpo) e peggiora la condizione giuridica, già deleteria, dei giudici di pace, nulla disponendo sui miglioramenti, pur assicurati dal Ministro Alfano, in materia di rinnovabilità dei mandati, tutela previdenziale, garanzie ordinamentali and revaluation of salaries .
The project, blatantly denying insurance policies and mystifying jobs from serious reform and organic, with the obvious purpose of stifling the class of justices of the peace, unskilled and deprived of all rights and professionalism, first regressing how to recruit new judges (requires only requirement for access law degree !), on the other seriously undermine the constitutional principles of good performance and independence of the offices of the court through the suppression Coordinators of the current justices of the peace, be replaced by the President of Court, with power of management and supervisory (first case in legal history as head of an office that supervises himself) by impairment of the representation of the Justices of the Peace in the Judicial Councils through the sanction of termination of the mandate "masked" in a mere warning (non-renewability of office of Justice of the Peace recipient of even one warning).
The highlight of the hoax was reached when the project (or "draft", as repeatedly described by the Minister and Secretary, although not changed one iota in twelve months) was presented as an attempt to unify the discipline of a mysterious and alleged category of "honorary judges", where, on the contrary, figures nell'accorpare radically incompatible with each other (the judicial duties of the magistrate even with the duties of public prosecutors Ministry of the deputy attorney fees), we took care to keep out of the "common framework" of judges other figures called "fees" (which fees are for real, by exercising the function in time parzialissimo) namely judges tax, which, incidentally, belongs to the Secretary Caliendo, and lay judges at the Tribunals Juvenile , all existing holders by law to charge a continued indefinitely, but without any kind of periodic review of professionalism.






  Il Presidente                                                   Il Segretario Generale
Gabriele Longo                                                 Alberto Rossi

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cervix A Week Before Period?


(Sticker by Done The Daily December 4)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Honewell Airconditioning Chronotherm Iv Plus

Justice Reform: delayed presentation to the Council of Ministers

ROME (November 29) - The justice reform package announced in recent days by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will not be before the Council of Ministers on Tuesday. According to reports, the Minister of Justice Angelino Alfano decided, after consulting the prime minister to postpone everything until after December 14, when Parliament will express confidence in the government.

"We continue to work on the 5 points on which abbbiamo won the confidence of the country and Tuesday will be the approval of the reform of justice, said on Friday the Prime Minister .

aside the initial idea of \u200b\u200bbringing in the Council tomorrow also the bill on the constitutional separation of career judges and CSM-pm, the remainder of the justice reform package would have to be composed of a Decree-Law (with urgent measures to reduce the backlog in the calendar) and two bill (honorary reform of the judiciary, changes to the legislative decree 231 del 2001 sulla responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche). Questi ultimi tre testi erano stati diramati per la riunione del preconsiglio che si è tenuta stamane.  

Nel frattempo, però, Alfano avrebbe convenuto con  Berlusconi sull'opportunità di far slittare l'intera riforma della giustizia a dopo il 14 dicembre. Secondo quanto si apprende nel centrodestra, infatti, si sarebbe deciso di non mettere "altra carne al fuoco" in un momento politicamente delicato come l'attuale. In più, si aggiunge, il premier in questi giorni sarebbe troppo assorto da numerosi impegni internazionali: is now in Libya and then should go to Kazakhstan and then to shareholders. Another explanation for the postponement, which circulates in these hours in Transatlantic, is that by which they would try to avoid raising further the minds in a time when the undecided in Parliament, on the face of trust, would not be so few.

(Source: "The Morning" 11/29/2010)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Small Bubble Inside Lower Lip

national strike of Justice of the Peace

The National Union of Judges of Peace convened the National Executive for the immediate proclamation of a strike category.
After years of waiting, and despite assurances by the Minister Alfano, Undersecretary Caliendo, during a conference, officially stated that the Minister will again at the next Council of Ministers of the bill already introduced in December last year and withdrew after a five-week strike called by the Union.
The bill, in open violation of the fundamental precepts of the Constitution does not provide continuity of service of Justices of the Peace, nor any form of social protection, demeans the professionalism and severely limits the guarantees of impartiality and independence of the court of peace, except for all the self-governing bodies of the judiciary and the direction of the office. The institution
Justices of the Peace has assured the country for 15 years, a rapid and efficient justice, in contrast with the pathological situation of the other judicial offices. Alfano, the Minister wants to bury.
the Board will be offered a maximum duration of the strike from Monday, December 13, 2010.
(National President) (Secretary General) ; Gabriele Longo Alberto Rossi

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dirt Bike Party Theme

Body of Unit 'Advocacy uses the TAR against compulsory mediaconciliazione




MAURIZIO DE TILLA, PRESIDENTE OUA: «L’Oua, numerosi Consigli dell’Ordine, molte associazioni forensi, migliaia di avvocati a titolo personale, impugnano al TAR la media conciliazione e convergono nel dire che la “media-conciliazione” obbligatoria è incostituzionale e danneggia i cittadini e che il regolamento attuativo è da abrogare. Non solo, the new system is out of the EU scenario, so much so that the Ministry of Justice has invoked the law to justify this unacceptable Argentina Italian choice, and it is also for this reason that we are preparing a further appeal to the European Court. Finally, we'll turn to the Court of Accounts so that you do not throw the money of the Italians to make propaganda spot on reconciliation, largely compulsory, as is doing the Ministry of Justice. "

For the average Oua-binding conciliation contravenes basic principles of law: "Why - lead - explains the presidente dell’Oua - un più difficile accesso alla giurisdizione da parte del cittadino e un aumento degli oneri e una lievitazione dei costi, tutti a suo carico.  Nonchè un maggiore dilatamento dei tempi per la presentazione della richiesta di giustizia al giudice: si fissa, inoltre, questo sistema per più dell’ottanta per cento dei processi, che rimarranno, di conseguenza, paralizzati almeno per un anno. Ma anche costituirà un ulteriore strumento dilatorio per la parte inadempiente che non ha alcuna volontà di conciliare la lite. Inoltre il nuovo sistema è sul piano sistematico, in totale disarmonia con aspetti processuali e tecnici con l’effetto perverso di un probabile corto circuito per innumerevoli questions. The legislative decree is not expected the necessary assistance of the lawyer and the lawyer puts in a situation of mistrust and suspicion by requiring a mandatory written declaration on the future of customer information. Do not you find a broker in person with legal training, and finally rely on this professional power unknown to formulate a draft agreement which, if not accepted, can have an effect penalize the legal defense of the citizen. A mess at the expense of justice and the public, other than advertising propaganda "

" We are result of an institution that, on an optional - ends de Tilla - could find adequate consensus in the choices of citizens. We will be decided and determined in thwarting the absurd "mediaconciliazione" launched with an enactment that is at odds with the Constitution and with the same European Directive, there are then the reasons for using both the Tar as the European Court. "


Body dell'Avvocatura Unit, along with councils and individual lawyers, notified an appeal to the TAR for the annulment of the regulation issued by the Ministry of Justice, reduces access to justice, which lowers the quality of the figure of mediaconciliatore with my bachelor's degree without enrollment and relies on a transitional arrangements that enable people immediately without rigorous preparation. This will also include strong economic burdens of citizens, when that stage had to be extra-free. The lawyer. prof. Giorgio Orsoni has prepared its appeal to the TAR

" Among the reasons for the appeal - he explains - first picture the vagueness in the identification of the figure of mediaconciliatore and facilities for conciliation. And this is in sharp contrast to the art. 60 of law 60/09 which provides that the person appointed to mediaconciliazione is equipped with a special training dealing with a variety of legal matters for conciliation. Well there is no trace of any policy aimed at selecting parameter or bodies responsible for mediation on the basis of professionalism and independence. Article. 16 of the Regulation, in fact, merely provides that any public or private agency that provide guarantees of reliability and efficiency has the authority to establish a body for mediation. Not only the criteria selection for the bodies of mediation, however, economic and financial factors that are not indicative of the professionalism of the mediator and even prevent, by their balance sheet impact, access for the profession to the legal register of bodies for mediation. "

'Furthermore - continued - in stark contrast to the requirement of the enabling act, art. 5 of Decree No. 28/10 configures the mediation process as a condition of admissibility of the action, in fact being denied immediate access to justice. The "foreclosure" which refers to the enabling act, not should be viewed as the inhibition, but rather as a limitation on judicial protection. The legislative decree 28/10, conceiving the process of mediation as a prerequisite to the proceedings, prevents ready access to justice and undermines the effectiveness of the same judicial protection. "

According to the text of the appeal to the TAR with the regulation is not only witnessing the failure of some articles of Decree Law (Articles 5 and 16 of Decree 28/10), but also the inconsistency with the entire legislative system.
"A final Profile of illegality is detectable in the contested regulation in relation to the weather dictated the transitional provision. Some provisions of Ministerial Decree No. 28/10 of the intent of the legislature, would have limited effect entry into force of the Regulation subject of this appeal. And instead, contrary to the express legislative provisions (Paragraph. 16 of Legislative Decree 28/10), Regulation not only arbitrarily introduced a transitional provision, but has used it to confirm the survival of organisms for which the legislature had already anticipated the decline. Consider that only such organizations, the law provides for the possibility of an inscription of law in setting up registers and that such negligence is symptomatic of the obvious inconsistency and arbitrariness of the contested regulation. "

"It was our duty to challenge a regulation with these characteristics - concludes de Tilla - and continue our fight-against average as well as compulsory conciliation was launched by the ministry, our goal is the proper functioning of the civil justice system and alternative dispute resolution proceedings, starting from the centrality of the citizen and the professionalism of lawyers. "

Rome, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Much Do You Tip For A Wax That Cost 55?

Teaching of Social Software and Web 2.0

Petrucco Corrado (a cura di)
Didattica del Social Software e del Web 2.0
Edizione 2010
Editore: CLEUP - Padova

Non è un caso che nella scuola e all'Università siano ancora poco utilizzati i Social Software e gli strumenti del Web 2.0: assieme a molti rischi essi offrono anche enormi potenzialità .
Il loro utilizzo costringe, infatti, a un coraggioso ripensamento della didattica, che si apre al mondo esterno e può far entrare in contatto gli studenti con comunità professionali e di pratiche che discutono e operano su artefatti concreti del mondo reale.

Questo testo presenta una raccolta di significative esperienze In this sense, proposing the use of rational Blog, Wiki, Wikipedia, Google Earth and other software even in formal contexts of education and training with a view to facilitate the acquisition of all those digital skills now considered essential in order to access Network and to exercise fully their rights to digital citizenship.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wholesale Nativepride Caps


Convocation Judiciary Council - Section Justices of the Peace for the day 11/15/2010

1) Prot No 2599 - Assessment of suitability for confirmation in the functions of Dr. Catherine Anna Pellegrino, Justice of the Peace of Roccadaspide. (Rel. Dr. Serrell)
2) Prot No 6939 - Decree No 365/10 of the President of the Court of Salerno. (Rel. President)
3) Prot No 7095 - Decree No 64/10 of the Presiding Judge of Hall Consilina. (Rel. Dr. D'Avino)
4) Prot No 7528 - Note, dated 14.10.2010, goodwill. Mario Altieri. (Rel. Dr. Serrell)
5) Prot No 7679 - Decree 394/10 of the President of the Court of Salerno. (Rel. Chambers. Cacciatore)
6) Note from the President of the Court of Hall Consilina prot. No in 2202 on 26 October 2010. (Rel. Sarno gdp)
7) any other business.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chapstick Party Favours

Didaduezero Project in Trento

While students use social software outside of the school and make their own informal contexts of use is still very rare that they become part of media education as specific curricular activities. The project

Didaduezero action research, carried out by the University di Padova - Scienze della Formazione - in collaborazione con l'IPRASE, ha voluto indagare sull'apprendimento nei processi informali e non-formali mediati dalle nuove tecnologie del Web 2.0 e su una loro possibile integrazione con quelli formali scolastici.

I primi risultati della ricerca, che ha coinvolto 8 Istituti della Provincia di Trento e ha previsto la creazione e la sperimentazione di ambienti di apprendimento attivo contestualizzati nel mondo reale e percepiti come utili a tutta la comunità, hanno evidenziato come sia possibile sviluppare una efficace integrazione fra scuola e territorio.


"Social software e Web 2.0"
giovedì 30 settembre 2010 dalle ore 14.30 at 18.30

Assembly Hall North building education
Via Gilli No 3 - Trent

14:30 Greetings
Dalmaso Martin, Minister of Education and Sports,
Autonomous Province of Trento

14:45 Introduction to the work
Francesco Bailo, 15:00 Posts IPRASE

Petrucco Corrado, Department of Educational Sciences, Padova
Marina De Rossi, Department of Educational Sciences, Padova

15:30 Presentation Projects
schools Riva IC 2 IC
Ala, Avio
IC IC Cles
IIS Martini Mezzolombardo
coordinates Fabrizio Personeni,
Department of Educational Sciences, Padova

17:30 Posts
Daniela Ceccato, director of information systems development and information projects, the Autonomous Province of Trento
Italo Della Noce, director of the technical, managerial and program. SIEP of the Autonomous Province of Trento

18.30 Conclusion
Arduino Salatin, director dell'IPRASE

Monday, June 21, 2010

Plugins Do Nero Essentialsdo Multichannel Mpeg 4

Small summary notes on the Conference "Corporate Storytelling"

Small summary notes on the Conference "Corporate Storytelling"

really want to thank everyone presenters and audience (who filled the hall) for participation passionate undertaking. Raccontante were (and hear) a lot of "good stories" that have made us reflect on what the narrative does emerge in business contexts, teaching and communication.

Maybe for a few hours we were all involved in a "shared narrative", which these days is certainly not recently.


spoke of the Morning (*)

Etienne Wenger, the famous researcher who formalized the concept of "Communities of Practice," has conquered all with his skills and availability. In his speech "The role of storytelling in communities of practice" has shown how different types of narration may arise in communities of practice, contributing significantly to their development.

Roberto Saracco, head of the Telecom Future Centre in Venice, spoke in his speech "Telling the future is already" the difficulties of a large telecommunications company in communicating to the public on its work, mainly because of miles of cables, servers and equipment. He presented the Future Center in Venice, a place where the company says, in an original and interactive, presenting his identity and his vision of the future.

Cristina Cocchetti "The processes of transfer of skills," COIN of the group, spoke in glowing terms of experience of the company he helped reposition the brand and to complement the change not only in terms of image, but also of service to customers, through a series of internal training opportunities that they found in the story and sharing of experiences on the ground one of the most effective ways to make the change understandable and consistently applied to all levels of the company.

Andrea Fontana "Storytelling: strategies and intervention models of storytelling business," University of Pavia, presented an overview of the potential of storytelling in business, with particular attention alla comunicazione con il cliente. Uno degli esempi proposti ha riguardato un “magalog”, ovvero un mix tra “magazine” e “catalog” che ha permesso a un’importante azienda di mobili di presentare i propri prodotti nel contesto di una storia.

Giuseppe Marcuccio "La costruzione della consapevolezza del proprio valore in azienda" di Intesa San Paolo Private Banking, ha condiviso un’esperienza del gruppo bancario in cui 52 dipendenti/manager hanno raccontato “quello che meglio sanno fare sul lavoro”. Molto interessante è stato il processo di analisi dei racconti che ha fatto emergere differenti percezioni e modi di rapportarsi sia con i clienti che con i colleghi.

Speeches Afternoon

Anthony Mola, "The PA is renewed: the digital storytelling in the portals of public administration") of the Veneto Region, presented a new approach to public administration that needs to come close to the public also "telling" through digital storytelling.

Fabio Grigenti "The drug of the word" and Umberto Curi "The pathos of the narrative," professors of philosophy at the University of Padova, involving the audience with two speeches of great cultural importance which revealed the ancient roots of narrative, which is used in key explanatory and persuasive.

Laura Ottaviani Matteo Masiero "The narrative as a research tool and act reminiscent cultural PARIMUN presented the project, a successful experience involving universities and industry, highlighting the importance of experiential training in the management of change.

Claudia Stella , Generali Group Innovation Academy, in his speech "Voices and Faces of a story
training: an experience of storytelling to make and measure the training" has outlined a project that has found an instrument in the Digital Storytelling very useful per far emergere percezioni, aspettative e pratiche. I filmati presentati al convegno hanno stupito tutti per la qualità e il forte impatto emozionale, frutto di un lavoro appassionato che ha coinvolto molti dipendenti dell’azienda.

Alessandro Cafiero , responsabile dell’AIF Veneto, nel suo intervento “Apprendere e comprendere consapevolmente l’organizzazione” ha portato un’esperienza di formazione che ha visto nello Storytelling un punto chiave per connettere temi, obiettivi e risultati.

Corrado Petrucco, Monica Campion e Vittorio Marone dell’Università di Padova, con il nostro intervento “Storytelling & Problem Solving: situated knowledge, stories and problems, we introduced the potential of digital storytelling for problem posing and problem solving in business.

(* thanks also to Victor Marone for abstract)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bored On The March Break

Symposium on storytelling and the Community of Practice

I'm really happy to be able to organize this conference on the theme of the narrative, which are very close. To all the friends who wanted to participate, a goodbye to Friday 18 to Padua. _______________________________________

Study Convention

Padua June 18, 2010 9:30 to 17:30 Classroom "and" Yard Antique Bo

Any organization or company is also made of stories and sharing creates communities and patterns of interpretation of the self and the world. The stories have a unique ability to appeal to our emotions and are able to persuade and encourage us to change so much more effective if we feel empathy for the protagonists of those same stories. The conference, presenting studies and experiences between universities and businesses on the topic of Corporate Storytelling, aims to investigate this potential, with particular attention to the development and support of communities of practice (Wenger E.). This will also address the issue of narrative in companies and organizations, including digital technology with the Digital Storytelling, which is today as an effective tool for communication and training, able to bring out critical issues and knowledge in contexts of increasing organizational complexity and management.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Neutralization At The Dentist

ForumPA: the Google way for school

Today I presented at the booth along with the head of Google in the Northeast, and Vannuzzi, general manager for Italy, the project of students from middle school who used Riva del Garda Google Earth to map their territory.

Here's the link:

The experience is described by the slide number 20 onwards.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Combined Eye And Ear Protection Woodworking

Speech at the "Festival of Freedom Digital" Wikipedia at school (the slides for the lazy ..)

Wikipedia to school

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Small Bubble Inside Mouth

Wikipedia to school, someone has flown the Cuckoo's Nest ....

Two lines on a topic that fascinates me and took me to write a paper for Didamatica 2010,
if you find it interesting to leave a comment.

Wikipedia school?

Wikipedia and dialogic practices and research information to it
related, may represent the cornerstone of a "small"
epistemological revolution in teaching and
perception that society has on the meaning and role of the school.

School and Wikipedia can share the same community practices and learning?
Each Wikipedia article is in effect a "shared artifact" which the method of revision and updating are encoded in rules that must be respected if you do not want to risk exclusion from the community. Employees of Wikipedia
feel it part of a larger community even if their contribution is often limited to the care of a few individual items on the one hand and then there is a sense of belonging to a collective process of constructing knowledge and a common project, they create other places of cognitive de-centralized (Wikipedia) in which each participant is his "niche work and competence.

Wikipedia has a feature so that other encyclopedias do not have: it is based on a community of practice very wide and diverse that it shares the same values \u200b\u200band a commitment to development activities and its maintenance. In this sense we could define each Wikipedia article as a "boundary object" a boundary object that is shared and used by more persone anche in modi differenti ma che comunque possiede un nucleo che ne mantiene costante una sua integrità .

Le esperienze delle scuole con Wikipedia sono ormai molte e presenti in tutto il mondo ed alcune hanno fornito lo spunto a livello istituzionale per una sua introduzione nella pratiche didattiche: ad esempio nella recente proposta di riforma della scuola primaria Inglese si propone una precoce familiarizzazione degli studenti proprio con i social network e con Wikipedia .

La scuola in questo senso può ricoprire un ruolo importante nel progetto di Wikipedia e viceversa Wikipedia può a sua volta fornire un importante supporto ai processi didattici ed educativi. Il paradigma di riferimento non può che essere di tipo costruttivistasociale where educational activities are more effective than those aimed at supporting an intentional learning, collaborative and where students are actively engaged in building knowledge through dialogical mode of participation open to "Legitimate peripheral participation."
Eventually this process takes the form of a "product" shared Web and is perceived as a useful service to others. Moreover, the process implies a more static vision of knowledge, but dynamic and constantly changing as Freire has long been suggested. Wikipedia, understood as a real "social software", then it is an effective tool that allows for sharing and memory of discourses, practices, signs, languages \u200b\u200b...... [read the full paper]

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where To Get Sasuke Sprite Sheets

Didamatica 2010 comments to the conference presentations

Twitter to school? - E. Spadavecchia (USP - Vicenza)
How can you use Twitter to school? The positions are very different: the tool itself is
"poor" but you can use a view to-peer education and peer interaction.
Thomas Barrett identifies even 29. Platform "instant messaging service with access monitoring. Twitter used in cultural exchanges between German and Italian classes. The students interacted with peers. However, there is a proof that Twitter has improved the learning of foreign language.
Parents and fellow teachers have welcomed the initiative. Prospects of Twitter? Perhaps it will become a communication tool like Skype.
Comment: pioneering experiment, students' motivation high due to the use of informal means.

insufficient recovery with Web 2.0 - E. Valley (California)
How to use Web 2.0 tools for the recovery of deficiencies.
Comment: unspeakable action.

educational process, "Design Inspired" C. Giovanella et
other educational process, "Design Inspired". Monitor the quality dell'esperienza formativa.
Livello cognitivo, sociale, fisico ed emotivo. L'emotività influenza l'apprendimento: la comunicazione emotiva risulta essere di tipo multimodale. Come valutare il grado emotivo nei testi tipici delle interazioni on-line. Il prototipo gira sull'ambiente LIFE dell'università di Tor Vergata. Attraverso il vocabolario utilizzato si cerca di mappare le emozioni per esempio tra i partecipanti ad un Corso on-line.
Commento : interessante ma lo strumento è complesso nel suo utilizzo e nella decodifica (grafici molto complessi).

Didattica e Social Software: il Wiki (Averna e Baldassarre)
I social network rispondono ad esigenze fondamentali young people and these can also be used in teaching process. The Wiki is a very useful educational tool to be used in a targeted manner for each age level and ability. Should be adapted to use the instrument to the level of the learners.
Examples of use:
1) Living the fairy tales - a wiki for children between 5 and 7 years enriched by their contributions with the help of teachers.
2) Stage in nursery school - the teachers use the Wiki to share professional experiences with text, images, comments ... even for those not present.
3) mathematics - a wiki to help children solve mathematical problems, reading comprehension problem.
4) to prepare for the examination Wiki Status (eg. Physics)
The teacher has proposed setting up a Wiki with a glossary and links to resources on the network (video, text, etc.).
5) Wiki for guidance. creating a portal to help children navigate the selection of the faculty and to create a bridge between schools, universities.

Remarks: finding interesting ways to use the tool in many contexts

social networks and cognitive processing ()
The cognitive abilities of children are different also in enjoyment of the type of media used.
What is the relationship between media and persuasion? The "captology" which deals with the processes related persuasive to multimedia on the web (Fogg, 2005) macro-and micro-persuasion persuasion: Facebook for example. by its very structure leads to interact in the same way. In Facebook photos and status messages are important in this respect. They are fragments of autobiographical stories that stimulate empathy and emotional reactions in those who read them.

educational activities through the Social networking: Prevention 2.0 - Vagnozzi
What use can have the Educational Social Network? For example, for the prevention of addictions. Facebook is very dispersive, not good, Ning may be more suitable in this regard. But the blog may be fine (on Ning ---> "Prevention 2.0").
Testing was addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc. ..) and the intent was to improve communication with young people on this issue. The project's objectives are intended to provide an increased awareness on these issues, with a stimulus to the narrative of their experiences.
Comment: very interesting application and effective, to be tested in other contexts.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Generalized Lymphadenopathy Dogs

SIREM 2010 - Rome

In real time the annual meeting of SIREM in Rome. Speeches by prof. Galliani, PG Rossi and revolvers.

Revolver: How to think of technology in education-school? Two models: the Market
Technological push and pull.

The Pull are the needs of the market to influence the introduction of technology.

The school system which model do you use? Think about the technology to offset staffing shortages (eg. Online courses in the absence of resources to get them in there, or think of technology to meet the needs of parents - the school's image).
But it is difficult a priori predict the future 'question'. How do I know that investing in thousands of euro technologies actually give me the right direction?

The Push instead assumes instead that technological innovation in itself change the tastes of the people, and then introduce the technology in the school because this enhances the learning ... But what
variabili sono effettivamente in gioco in una valutazione poi degli apprendimenti? E quindi quale modello adottare? Ragionare su due problemi 1) Innovazione e Tecnologia: come si determinano? 2) E quindi come il sistema scuola può adottare teccnologia e produrre innovazione?

Pensiamo alle affordances delle tecnologie (D. Norman) reali e percepite! Contano però anche i bisogni che vengono dalle pratiche d'uso. Contano le retoriche del Marketing.
(riferimento a Rogers) 1) visibilità delle tecnologie 2) facilità d'uso 3) reversibilità 4) valori del gruppo condivisi.

Che strategie allora adottare?: dobbiamo considerare 1)formazione 2)didattica 3)management e 4) Technology Training

What skills?
youth cultures of today
languages \u200b\u200b(alphabetical, critical content, expressive)

individual-collaborative (peer-education)
auto-istruzione/costruzione digital citizenship

Web 2.0
logical network (content sharing)
social tagging

technology platforms and Web 2.0 ---- beyond traditional e-learning mobile learning

multichannel content and fluidity

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M. Lessona, De Agostini School books:

Text books cost € 174 per student per family. But how do we use textbooks in Italian schools? We pass over the years by the textbook as a "theoretical framework" a "unifying language" (required to handle the problem of immigrant students).

But that's not a textbook, more important are "digital media" for yourself for example LIM. The LIM attualmento * not * have a widespread reality, less than 10% of the schools has one.

In 2012-2013 you should switch to digital books. But what will happen by then in schools?
these initiatives are not enough extemporaneous then if state spending for broadband technologies and is totally inadequate compared to all other countries in the world. In the U.S. the cost is 230 € per student.

The educational publishing market in Europe is difficult for the Italians. No Italian publisher is considered important in Europe and worldwide. It 'important to think of an expanded market and internationally.

On what point? Mobile, thematic websites offering educational resources, and then what?
Now in its educational publishing industry has changed: the libraries, wholesalers, will still have a role? Three proposals:

1) Tax deduction for school books (and academics?)
2) L 'is now at 4% VAT for books, digital technology has 20% VAT
3) Participation by publishers for teaching innovation.

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Elena Mosa - ANSAS
Digital Tutors: competence profile of education (cl @ ssi 2.0) with the collaboration of CREMIT Milan.

There was a quality monitoring over the years managed the training of teachers from India: since 2001 (from FORTICA onwards). At first, the perception was of a network that was seen as a huge library where to look for information but were not very 'embodied' in the daily practices of formal and informal. The Forum theme were the most popular.

has highlighted three profiles: novice, practitioner and pioneer (Martin, Univ. Glasgow): 2000th
the students were about 15% in 2008 over 50%.

We have gone from a concept of training style "computer lab" to the media on the languages \u200b\u200band then there was a shift from a "Literacy" as a basis for consideration on skills.

S. Cinnamon - ANSAS
Environment PuntoEdu is trying to create communities that remain even after the formal moments of the courses and therefore also in the informal. "The technologies have to get inside the disciplinary knowledge" (Ala-Mutka, 2008). The tutor now becomes a "coach" with considerable change of role. A survey of ethnographic wanted to see if they change the practices of use of technology by teachers as:

-reaction of the participants
-learning on the job-application

National Plan aimed at improving quality and excellence in mathematics: declared by the needle, at first I find the students and then, after the teaching, learning occurs with the appropriate test.

--------------------------------------------- G . Biondi - ANSAS

Teacher training is designed now is to subject areas in which professional behavior. The problem mathematics is one of the warmest in terms of both performance and teaching with technology. In 2011, the schools have taken the digital books can be an opportunity to think about a new generation of digital content (not just PDF!)
New methods for the construction of knowledge that must connect to innovative learning environments. The LIM
are just one of many technologies that support ANSAS, the emphasis is not on then either existing technologies or to be on but * the learning process "that must improve. How to create a friendly environment for students.

Galliani - University Padua

We need to move from trials of new technologies to generally accepted practices.
We need to move to e-books agree ... and then? or do you also think about digital content?
Monitor and evaluate change but * * with a participatory evaluation, project evaluation 2.0 cl @ ssi shared between all the players there.
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Biondi - final comment

Cl @ ssi 2.0: the investment will be proportional to the results: the technology never give "rain",
we certainly want to invest in training and method. The teacher is a crucial figure, the most talented teachers must be paid more, career advancement should no longer be automatic but attached to the substance.
innovation processes must be continuous, the initial training and in-service teacher education must be constant.