We will not be overwhelmed by the Wave EMOTIONAL sad events for the Japanese, the Government shall in any case ATOMIC place, our only objective is to achieve energy independence.
interesting and since we have uranium mines in ITALY? Monday, March 14, 2011
Walmart Receipt X, Y And R
I keep the balls
Last week, the CAP announced the Epochal JUSTICE REFORM, after a quick glance I could immediately sense that I am still like in the case of school reform front is not a reform but but opposite in fact with the fuck-Epochal TWO RIVER SCHOOL era.
Now Rimba should warn that if the reform will be implemented as it has been presented is equivalent to putting in the hands of the ITALY MAFIA and still talk about it a couple of years at least, to avoid strange SPECULATION that only the mentally ill may move, their attention to the feeling that television seems to be already in place, not understand the difference between an advertisement and a done deal.
A striking example of this kind of speculation, was the reply he gave to a Rimba 'sent UNITA' who had infiltrated between the Rimba with a shirt that says "Thank God the demented c 'is ", the event last March before ADMINISTRATIVE Domanti to the insane but what has he done?" the Rimba puffed out his chest all proud, and said: mmmmmm aspects, sometimes I think, a moment mmmmmm, mmmmm, finally after two more or three grunts, mmmmm aaaah is the first thing that comes to mind is the Messina Bridge ??????????????????????????
That is ALL THAT.
a reform an age, AD is not reform-Tappen ... .............
YOUR DEMENTED LADY peaceful reform sucks in several places, relax, do not fret, as much as you like we will not ever go, the cocks that will decide which crimes to prosecute the politicians.
is all very well the obligatory ', you will go to referendum without quorum Fool trim them all the accounts we will be ready in the meantime, however, do other MINC, maybe that day will also fail ITALY will have the other more urgent things to do such TRY YOUR CACHE.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
1950's Printable Vintage Ads
I keep the balls
DE PASQUALE The PM is concerned about the imminent relevant requirements would at least collect MILL the conviction of first instance, will expire in 11 months.
Mavala Advocate '. Strange that the PM is concerned about the speed of the process and not the assessment the truth.
There is a small detail Mavala 'there is nothing to verify, David Mills has already been convicted of corruption by the Corruptor demented.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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I want to reassure the Japanese, I express my sympathy, if We need help at your disposal.
To the reconstruction can get almost immediately to a clique SPECIALIZED, do not make compliments.
I said almost immediately, unfortunately the clique has had MISHAPS, but know who is not afraid of the tragedies in front of the face with a smile, people from the nerves of steel to another ensures the insane ability to start MORE LAUGHTER front of a Disaster 'TOTAL.
I said almost immediately, unfortunately the clique has had MISHAPS, but know who is not afraid of the tragedies in front of the face with a smile, people from the nerves of steel to another ensures the insane ability to start MORE LAUGHTER front of a Disaster 'TOTAL.
Ask AQUILANI, will speak in my stead, the quiet ITALY is at your side.
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Massimo Di Delu
I keep the balls
Photo: crap.
I keep the balls
Photo: crap.
I'm listening to a sickening BE GRAIN HEAD those of the Forum on the nuclear issue, the argument on LA7 Otto e Mezzo is the talk of nuclear incidents at nuclear power plants.
CHICCO, paid and paid by the NUCLEAR said there were more accidents in coal mines and then triumphantly concluded il ROUND come mai non si parla mai degli INCIDENTI nelle MINIERE di CARBONE .
PEZZO di MERDA te lo spiego in due secondi, gli incidenti nelle miniere di carbone coinvolgono alcune decine di persone al massimo qualche centinaio .
Sono DETERMINATI dalle scarse misure di SICUREZZA, non vengono controllati i CANTIERI EDILI in ITALIA, figuriamoci una MINIERA di CARBONE in CINA 2 CHILOMETRI sotto terra, ok ci siamo .
Quindi gli incidenti in quelle condizioni disumane succedono perchè si vuole risparmiare .
Non paragoniamo i due INCIDENTI, vorrei ricordare che CHERNOBIL da only covered 2000 years of mining accidents.
Among other things, the shareholders of the companies involved to extract coal there are those who built the Central, then get to do certain things is ridiculous.
To begin to make five nuclear power plants 10 workers die in various incidents, I put up a log and cut me alone (my dick) if it does not work at least 10 incidents.
But then what the fuck center the mining accidents with nuclear power Fool (C. HEAD)?
Why do not people stop flying each 2 milioni di voli ne viene giù uno, ma chi cazzo è sto CHICCO, cazzo VUOLE, chi lo PAGA, cazzate così mica si possono a dire a gratis . How To Build A Go Kart With Motorcycle Engine
Lo tengo per le palle
Circa 15 giorni fa campeggiava in prima pagina sul GENIALE : RUBY è una VECCHIETTA secondo l'ANAGRAFE del paese di origine della PROFESSIONISTA da CAMERA, RUBY sarebbe stata iscritta due anni dopo, quindi quando si sarebbe VENDUTA al DEMENTE era maggiorenne .
Gongolava tutta la COSCA : brindiamo DEMENTE, cin, cin ….
Ahahahah ve lo avevo detto, con un po di EURO si ottengono sempre OTTIMI RISULTATI, ahahahah TIE' GIUDICI del cazzo, vi ho fregati nuovamente, ahahahahah stasera si festeggia ahahahah una bella seduta di BUNGA-BUNGA, ahahahahahah i GIUDICI sono FOTTUTI .
Ieri, sul FATTO Q. (giornale serio) : la RESPONSABILE dell'ANAGRAFE del paese di origine di KARIMA ECC …, denuncia il tentativo di CORROMPERLA .
Due EMISSARI di non si sa di CHI, qui la RISATA è D'OBBLIGO, accompagnati da un INTERPRETE marocchino ma venuto anch'esso dall'ITALIA forse MILANO, have approached the woman, offering her a large sum of money backdated to the year of birth of Ruby.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, but could not get their COCKS, who the fuck maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ordered him to check it maybe the doctor?
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everything was fine, I kept them in hand, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....
Calm so DEMENTED LADY is not furious ... ...........
Me neeeeeeeeeeeee fottoooooooooooooooooooooooo coglioniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, you're DILETTANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you too, Mavala 'maledettooooooooooooo I wonder who brought us together.
had to double that, Triple maledettiiiiiiiiiiiii incompetent cazzoooooo it takes to bribe a poor man, you're a maledettiiiiiiiiiiiii incapable maledettiiiiiiiiiiii we were caught right away.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everything from rifareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!
DEMENTED LADY I remember that two months ago you said, I arranged them, send two in Morocco, we will change the date of birth, is a country of goat herder and pig farmers.
not true I never said such a thing.
But it is not a press conference DEMENTIEVA, between us there is no need LIE, DENY, we are accomplices.
not remember the episode in the end we even had a fight because of the pigs, do not raise pigs in Morocco, she insisted that SI points at the end I had to slap her to also bring her to herself!
Gee is right Mavala 'now ricordo maledetti MAIALI, ma che facciamo ora ?
Neghiamo TUTTO come SEMPRE e DENUNCIAMO questo grave atto .
Scusi MAVALA' quale GRAVE ATTO ?
E quello sarebbe un GRAVE ATTO MAVALA' ?
Cazzo sta dicendo ?
Per NOI le ricordo che è la PRASSI, col CAZZO che avevo ancora la MAGGIORANZA se non CORROMPEVO trenta parlamentari .
Moderi i termini MAVALA', NOT TOO serious act now so offends me, I'm keeping an eye on the.
It is the usual but we always say to ITALIAN STORIES, I know very well that corruption is a snares, but it is still considered a crime, DEMENTED LADY sorry but it is safe to feel good?
Yes sure I had a moment of confusion, therefore, denounce this cowardly attempt to save, I might even start a press campaign, I already see the headlines: the insane SMOTHER BY LOVE TWO PEOPLE HAVE TRIED WITH MYSTERIOUS AN INITIATIVE OF THEIR PERSONNEL TO CHANGE THE AGE 'OF RUBY, DAMAGE TO THE FACT THAT the insane ", stop the insane it already helps by itself, does not need amateurs.
Or we can focus on the usual communist plot: Three terrorists of the left have tried to bribe the official, in order to get caught and put the blame on DEMENTIEVA, we now think a bit about.
Mavala 'still want those three to be transferred immediately to the office of Vladivostok, we do not want to see.
DEMENTED LADY I'm sorry but we do not have offices in Vladivostok and then mica was their fault, that he knew of those facts would have controlled.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii not want to hear mention that paper.
Want to know when there's an all the newspapers, the daily is the first newspaper he reads late at night before going to bed, I play the ball, if not Masochism this.
Conclusion the present attitude of the Dementia SLIGHTLY stride with announcements and proclamations of 15 days ago, apparently based on nothing, if the news had been true at this law well other things: Hounds of the lunatic HAVE DISCOVERED ... .... instead of "strangers Attempts to bribe ... .. Light will be shed on the murder ... ... Actually now the story is turning against the cap and fled to safe havens, however, the triumphalistic the BRILLIANT AD proved to be the usual buffalo.
How the hell do you read some newspapers.
I tell you right now that the principal will never be found, partly because the complainant failed to TERMINATED.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Accounting Entries For Derivatives
2015 l'ITALIA multata nuovamente dalla COMMISSIONE EUROPEA .
Oggi come nel passato l'ITALIA continua a scivolare sulla giustizia, gli investitori evitavano l'ITALIA per la lunghezza dei processi .
All'indomani del varo della nuova legge voluta dal DEMENTE, le restanti aziende estere se ne sono andate in 5 MINUTI : almeno prima c'era una remota possibilità di giustizia, ora è SPARITA anche questa ESILE FIAMMELLA .
L'ITALIA un tempo era multata per la LUNGHEZZA processes, a fine of today and for the continuous REQUIREMENTS, about 80 100 jobs are barred.
IN STRASBOURG whispers in the corridors are: the inability of even the INPEGGIORABILE ARCORE worsened, only he could do.
Whats The Difference Between Bge And Bge Home
I keep the balls
Today, the demented and appeared at a press conference with the Minister of ' IMPUNITY 'ALFCULO, the stage takes a flashy dressing on the side and USELESS.
The day before yesterday the ballast was made in the mouth, to repair the damage caused by 'aggession Petty suffered from the hands of Tartaglia.
The famous day when he entered the Cathedral of Milan in the law as: the Cathedral WHEEL.
Even then he showed himself to the insane ITALIAN INCEROTTATO conspicuously, was going through a period of shit, however TARTAGLIA the episode was cleverly ridden by DEMENTED LADY that recovered in the polls, thanks to the patch.
now magically reappeared patches, but if at the time there was still an objective justification, The patches seem a stretch to me today.
E 'the last act necessary Tartaglia, the demented by the unnecessary WRAPPING try to wrest a minimum consensus, but remember, the insane was made in the mouth, he was put on a pin, these interventions do not require any PATCH, not the cut face.
any of us at least once in their life has done to extract a tooth from the mouth I want to know how many patches have been applied?
the insane person has tried to scrape the bottom in this matter, but I tell you right now that:
How FOMENTING hate this time I came to count the FLEA MEDICATION cap, I think it is FAKE FAKE as the man who DOOR,
short, the usual antics of CAP .
At the beginning of the press conference was very worried before going behind the scenes ... ....
ALFCULO tell me something.
available DEMENTED LADY What do you want?
Tell me you see the ALFCULO Medicare will notice JOURNALISTS, you seem very visible, I do put a larger one?
Quiet DEMENTED LADY quiet, you see very well.
ALFCULO Are you sure, I worked hard on this PADDED PLASTER, I could scrape up 0.3% in the polls Rimba must be cultivated daily.
Quiet DEMENTIEVA, you see.
Ok I trust, let prejudice gentlemen, I'm sorry you see the dressing.
Gosh, golly mi scuso con tutti per la mia SCARSA PRESENTABILITA', pensavo non si vedesse, maledizione mi avevano assicurato che non si vedeva, CRIBBIO …
Si certo come se fosse uno stupido cerotto a farne un IMPRESENTABILE .
Già oggi comunque si sono verificate diverse sceneggiate da NORD a SUD in alcuni studi dentistici, pare che la medicazione ha iniziato a fare tendenza fra le menti più labili dei sostenitori del TAPPO, come al solito sono le fasce più deboli a pagarne le conseguenze .
Ha sentito male ?
No ha fatto un buon lavoro DENTISTA .
Si dia una risciacquata, può andare .
Ma come non mi fascia, non mi mette due cerotti ?
Mi scusi prego, cosa dovrei farle ?
Ma mettermi qualche cerotto, non ha visto il DEMENTE, anch'io voglio i CEROTTI, anch'io ho diritto al CEROTTO, lo dice l'articolo tre della costituzione, ogni cittadino è uguale difronte a un CEROTTO, quando ci VUOLE ci VUOLE, ogni cittadino a diritto al proprio CEROTTO, cribbio !!!
Si, si, si certo il CEROTTO, as no.
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Questo numero conclude il trentennale trittico del critico a nudo (Achille Bonito Oliva in copertina). Sul sito di Frigolandia trovate tutte le date e i luoghi degli imperdibili appuntamenti live in giro per l' Italia con Vincenzo Sparagna, la redazione e i collaboratori del giornale
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Doujinshi Bulma Y Vegeta
La riforma “epocale” dei giudici di pace
The Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini, speaking at the TV show "Porta a Porta" about the March 7, has recommended the reform of the justice of the peace and the measures for the disposal of pending cases civilians, as essential to the functioning of justice and to the expectations of concrete citizens.
remarkable how journalists and politicians present at the transmission again and have not commented on the opinion of Hon. Casini, returning to speak once more abstract and general measures, and farther to the understanding of ordinary citizens, on constitutional reform and the relationship between politics and justice.
We believe that the President's Party, Hon. Casini, has done well to remember now improcrastinabile the need for reform of the justice of peace, however, also insured by the government several times, before and after the recent extensions.
The reform of the courts of Peace can be defined as a well-reform "era" was considered necessary and vital since Fassino Minister in 2001, when the legislature (1999-2000), surpassing the configuration of the justice of the peace as judge of the conciliation and fairness , attributed to him more and new responsibilities for administrative and criminal penalties, making the justices of the peace for all purposes in the ordinary organs of Justice, stable and professional. Today
2571 Justices of the Peace in service through continual increases in quality and quantity skills, define about 2,500,000 cases each year: more than half of civil cases at first instance and the measures to monitor, a significant portion of criminal affairs and all the opposition to administrative penalties and procedures for immigration illegal.
Since their establishment of justices of the peace have treated more than 23,000,000 of which 13,000,000 proceedings by the judgments issued within less than a years.
Dove sarebbe mai arrivato il “debito giudiziario” del nostro Paese senza l’apporto dei giudici di pace !?
Nonostante la efficiente e celere risposta assicurata alla domanda di giustizia, i giudici di pace, senza alcuna copertura previdenziale ed assistenziale e con rapporti temporanei non rinnovabili, conservano un trattamento assolutamente inadeguato alla funzione svolta, oltre che palesemente illegittimo, in violazione dei principi fondamentali che disciplinano il lavoro pubblico e privato.
The reform of the justice of the peace must pursue the goal of "normalization" of the service relationship and the "legalization" of the salary and benefits. These purposes of legal culture, pursued by category, with many abstentions and seven-week strike in the last two years, can not be delayed, otherwise the deterioration of the function.
are 300 drop-in service of judges in the past three years, in addition to the deaths reached the maximum age of service. Latest entries di nuovi giudici sono avvenute nel triennio 2001-2003 ed i concorsi non possono essere riaperti senza la definizione di una riforma seria e conforme al dettato costituzionale.
E’ legittimo chiedere che i dibattiti sulla giustizia che interesseranno le trasmissioni televisive nei prossimi giorni ed il dibattito della stampa diano un adeguato spazio alla riforma della magistratura di pace, ossia la componente dell’universo Giustizia più vicina e visibile ai cittadini tutti.
The President ; The Secretary-General
Gabriele Longo ; Alberto Rossi
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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I keep the balls
Finance Minister TRE ERRE few months ago said: try to make a sandwich with the culture.
: It
UMBERTO ECO is starving.
Marco Travaglio collection is opposite the station.
The chief of cardiology at the San Raffaele, the WINDLASS of Monaldi, CTO of the round playing clarinet on street corners.
Sallusti alas only graduate earns more than a million Euros just to drive a tractor manure spreader.
BILL GATES another ignoramus ILLITERACY founded MICROSOFT .....
CIRO who made the fifth element is in jail for theft.
MONICELLI HE also rounded off in his spare time carrying bricks and mortar to the masons.
Muti has conducted orchestras around the world, it is FREE to live on alms.
The Montalcini won the Nobel is a homeless person eating at CARITAS.
YOU who is the minister, certainly does not reach the third week.
MINISTER I could go on for hours, you tell me ........
TRE ERRE Wow so I guess that says a mica CAZZATONA laugh. Game Bow And Arrow Dark Forest
you have to resign because DEMENTED LADY ':
1) Did you go to hell.
2) Did you go with whores is a JUVENILE CRIME.
3) You paid pussy loony and not you're a FUCKING IDIOT, you have said yourself that you did not fuck, that one to my country from 5000 € to a girl and then not the purpose is a balls and not even in my own country CERRO TANARO, Rocchetta, Asti and Alessandria, I also think BELLUNO and Viterbo.
4) You're a jerk believes that the first cock, the granddaughter of MUBARAK laugh again ALL.
5) ITALIAN lied to, the niece of Mubarak, but when did, imagine if you are so idiot to believe, then you are a liar.
6) The phone number is on headings of a sack of Troy, unique in the world between the heads of state.
7) you phoned the police station, you are an IDIOT the only one who had so much to hide that we are obliged to make a fucking huge.
8) It had nothing to hide, but you also telephoned then six VOTE THREE MORE 'IDIOT .
9) I will stop here it is forbidden to shoot on the RED CROSS.
10) You are not the chief of the KAZKISTAN, nor of Belarus, if you do not want to resign himself elected to these places.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Massimo Delu
I keep the balls
take thousands of WILD PARTY, stuff that only happens when a person passes DEAREST
I keep the balls
Today PARTY celebrating of the OD: the insane and operating status.
Today, the securities so BRILLIANT! (I hope that is not busy cursing I was not paying attention)
idiot how could we celebrate, the operation was secret, was revealed only late in the evening, now the insane had recovered from anesthesia seems TOTAL, not had taken over and you know that banner, the burning car horns Pirlo. take thousands of WILD PARTY, stuff that only happens when a person passes DEAREST
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Massimo Delu
I keep the balls
I keep the balls
little lacking in just over twenty days we will celebrate almost solving a very serious problem that kills thousands of victims each year, the ultimate resolution lacks only a little over a year or so.
Thousands and thousands of sick of tumors are about to begin the final year of SUFFERING.
Quelli che stanno per andarsene, devono fare l'IMPOSSIBILE, i MEDICI anche, si devono attivare in sequenza : PADRE PIO, WOYTILACCIO, SAN FRANCESCO, SANTA CHIARA, non occorrono grandi miracoli, non dovete guarirli del tutto, hanno solo bisogno di tempo .
Si accettano intrusioni esterne del tipo …..
Dovreste venire in ospedale …
E' grave .
Si è alla fine …..
Arriviamo dieci minuti siamo li .
Un'ora dopo : è spirato …
Si, il cuore è fermo ….
Aspettate non è possibile, si riprende, non è possibile ha duecento tumori …
Il giorno dopo ….
Ad un certo punto ho visto una luce, mi è venuto incontro un uomo aveva il pizzetto e ….
No, no lo riconosciuto subito era LENIN, aveva in mano un libro, il CAPITALE si vedeva anche l'autore CARL MARX …..
But you can not!
said it, idiot!
said it, idiot!
So I recommend you also taken action, including HO-CHI-MINH why not, but of course BOB MARLEY!
By now miss very little, yet few CHEMIE and then everything will be resolved.
On the other hand has almost been a year since the triumphant announcement DEMENTIEVA, remember the MEGA EVENT PENTOLIFICIO of last March, the second by a million people Verdino, the award-investigated, prosecuted, multi skilled thief to steal with both hands and with one foot since yesterday (right), the event (Same as the one million) from 150 000 people according to the police, the 50 thousand people (always the first to speak) in accordance with the mathematics, a person takes place tot, then tot tot area are just 50 000 people, no more Photos from above speak for themselves.
the insane announced that day: two years' beat cancer.
In this day there were a lot of admissions, patients felt the grayling, the tumors were CAGATI UNDER intimidated by the words of the insane, they started to shake like leaves.
Maybe will heal with vibration, in this days ipotizzò che certi tipi di cancro sarebbero potuti convertire in altre malattie con una legge AD OK, soluzione BRILLANTISSIMA : lei ieri aveva un CANCRO, non ce lo ha più, ora ha un BRANCO .
Di cosa ?
Cosa cambia ?
Nulla, si rilassi è una manovra politica .
Non capisco .
Appunto, nessuno gli ha chiesto di capire .
Insomma i TUMORI avevano i giorni contati due anni, UNO è PASSATO, quindi tra 365 giorni per l'esattezza BY-BY CANCRO grazie al DEMENTE .
Facciamolo SANTO SUBITO, magari MARTIRE : arso vivo dalla FURIA POPOLARE circa 5 MILIONI di ITALIANI, ISOLATI uno SPARUTO GRUPPO, anche se avevano una DELEGA FIRMATA di altri 20 MILIONI di ITALIANI ecc...ecc... già mi vedo i titoli del GENIALE, di OCCUPATO e DEL TEMPO AL TEMPO .
Infatti si è deciso di tagliare i fondi per la ricerca contro il CANCRO, soldi ORAMAI INUTILI sempre grazie al DEMENTE, verranno usati per pagare le QUOTE LATTE .
Tanto al TUMORE rimane un ANNO di VITA.
Word of CAP.
Leviamoceli the fuck, we have figured this out the FRUIT FROM A LITTLE ', are just trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel BY RASCHIABILE.
the insane just to stay in the saddle said Minco ANY KIND, MAN RIVER, of this cancer is yet another gem to put in his biography.
Monique Parent Follando
I keep the balls
Oggi RAI NEWS 24 classico dibattito di questi giorni sulla DISTRUZIONE delle giustizia, due interlocutori un PARLAMENTARE dell'IDV e un PALLAMENTARE del PENTOLIFIO, il parlamentare dell'IDV casualmente ha fatto alcune dichiarazioni devo dire azzeccatissime, su i suoi interventi non ho null'altro da aggiungere, sono un noto FAZIOSO, assolverei anche l'eventuale assassino del NANEROTTOLO gli darei una MEDAGLIA e 10 milioni di EURO perchè li meriterebbe ampiamente .
Sono stato abbastanza fazioso ?
Penso di si .
Ovviamente gli sono state poste delle domande alle quali i due quasi colleghi hanno risposto, dico quasi colleghi, perchè il PARLAMENTARE e il PALLAMENTARE parlano entranbi il primo dice delle cose, l'altro mente quasi sempre o spara minchiate, la differenza è minima in quanto parlano entrambi .
La dichiarazione del PECORELLIX filava via liscia come l'OLIO, poi l'INCAUTO PALLAMENTARE ovviamente per sostenere le sue tesi ha dovuto attaccarsi ai REFERENDUM passati .
I CITTADINI si sono già espressi sulla separazione delle CARRIERE e sulla RESPONSABILITA' personale Judges, in a favorable way.
EXCUSE piece of shit, but the people had not even delivered on nuclear power stations?
why today there FUCK?
Why pull the ball REFERENDUM only when you agree and only those who agree?
you INCA Inca, you'll have HORN ALL OPTIMISTIC disappear soon, in two years you will see that you will do fine, I already see the future castaways boarding the tender FLI will be your end, you are nothing without the CAP cap is not immortal and not even young.
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The other night I have heard no reason to COTTIX Governor My PIEDMONT.
COTTIX know that up to one minute before the elections said no nuclear power plant in Piedmont and two minutes after winning: Gentlemen I have changed ... ..
COTTIX What do you mean?
plants that have changed my mind.
wait a month to say it probably should.
is maybe you're right: I changed the gentlemen water aquarium?
HONOURABLE What statement?
No it was a question.
do not know if she had changed the water volume, maybe try to call home his wife noticed something.
Just like I did not think about it first.
REASONING say immediately that such reasoning is not worth a shit, relating to the Referendum The news was that just the day before criminal conspiracy had decided the date for the referendum and how it was already known, the date did not coincide with the authorities.
The first effect of the consolidation will result not a cost at this point because there would be NO NEED ADMINISTRATIVE the same days, the 350 million would be money down the drain.
COTTIX could not come close to explaining the waste has only been able to say, the figure is less than € 350 million.
admitting that they are a waste of money, but not 350 million but 250, 280 etc. .
Come se essendo meno è lecito BRUCIARLI inutilmente, a questo punto non mi stupisco neppure più che alla fine se ne butteranno via anche 400 di milioni di euro .
Poi alla domanda sulla NECESSITA' di tenere separate il MISERABILE ha spiegato che i CITTADINI hanno anche il DIRITTO del NON VOTO .
Il PAGLIACCIO a questo punto appariva TUTTO GODUTO per aver dato una risposta così INTELLIGENTE, nel frattempo pensava : coglioni vi ho sistemati per bene, voglio proprio vedere cosa mi risponderete, eheheheh coglioni i DIRITTI vengono sempre al primo posto .
Non I see where the problem is, those who do not vote will not withdraw 'the four tabs for the referendum, simply does not take a science and not above throwing away 350 million EURO, you care not to make a quorum.
PADANO practically sunk the lizard, the lizard is a reptile, a lizard green, I regret a little the approach, it is a beautiful animal that with that it shares only the color, the word is REPTILE a SHORT released a stuttering, COTTIX did not know what to say, did not answer, there are not just in the meantime neurons turned at full speed: I say fuck that, damn right, how can I explain we fear that our electorate is composed of a core of senile, how could unravel the hard core with six cards in his hands in the urn narrow and austere, with only himself to interrogate the bag of dried chickpeas that replace the more functional NEURONS which is provided with the electorate instead of the left maledettoooooooooo.
Curse will notice that your Rimba that before he asked for all tabs: mei as the dates that you have four, who is he?
It 's more beautiful than me, you cursed.
too damn communists and I want to tell me what do I do with these cards, you cursed .
Curse will notice that your Rimba that before he asked for all tabs: mei as the dates that you have four, who is he?
It 's more beautiful than me, you cursed.
too damn communists and I want to tell me what do I do with these cards, you cursed .
know we can not express my fears, damn acorpando risk of reaching a quorum, even would be reached automatically.
Damn how did he discovers that 'want to sabotage the Referendum, who told you that?
There is a SPY amongst us, we need to talk with stroke and with the insane, I share these concerns, there is a spy among us there is no other explanation, we were caught immediately despite the curse of the perfect plan!
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You get to discuss anything
I keep the balls
Today you will begin to discuss the Bio Test, that is NOTHING.
I do not know if you read the legal text, there is nothing, nothing changes, there is no living will be discussed.
you do living wills and the doctor will throw in the trash of paper used, not wanting to even read it, will continue the care and feeding well.
a bill that does not legislate absolutely shit, time wasted.
Yet another outlet for your ass against those who have different sensibilities than a believer.
short, the usual Fool ITALIAN
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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An idiot has changed my
In the photo of Karima sixty years.
In the photo of Karima sixty years.
LONDON May 21, 2060, tonight in "Women who changed history" will be hosted by the now 78 year-old Karim El MAOURUG.
Clap, clap, clap, applause sprightly old lady enters the room, about half an hour later she finally managed to walk the 10 feet that separated her from the stool.
After ten minutes of fruitless attempts to hoist himself on the stool is made to sit on a chair lower.
Mrs. KARIMA Well tell us about the incredible story of which the protagonist was sixty years ago, as the insane and knew what impression did.
met through the demented HUMBLE FIDO, at first glance I knew right away that I was facing a fool, I remember thinking: the image is a jerk, this guy cook for me the good, good RUBY seventeen years and you're practically retired.
As I showed him two more centimeters of leather, I soon realized to keep the already small FIST GranOs sexual predators.
From what he understood to be in front of a Fool, sold short, IDIOT, in short its future gold mine.
From the pass, for example, walked like an idiot, I look stupid, stupid jokes from the voice of an imbecile, the stupid songs, friends who may have only a fool, she would attend as a CICCHITTIX?
No ma'am, why on earth am not stupid, by the way is not fifty years ago.
They see that even she would not have attended, in fact anyone would have guessed that you are facing a CHICKEN and charlatans, of course, Idiots, fortunately very rich.
Sometimes one thinks that to be a turning point in life needs to be known genes, but not always the case, I am living proof that sometimes a fool, a fool is already more than enough to jump forward.
Fortunately that famous evening IDIOT telephoned the police station, at that moment I realized that I had become rich, I kept the balls, I thank God that meant that our paths crossed.
He also cross-GOD?
NO not talking about the balls.
think she'd trumpet SARK 'with the shit that's not IDIOT POLICE phoned in, but fortunately the insane was completely melted, it was enough to make him see and he unhooked, unleashed, well you said before, mine' s gold.
Mrs. EL MAOURUG first mentioned the social leap she made to feel you on, look at the Mignotte do not exactly make a leap forward in the social scale, I would say that is quite a setback.
hectogram Meanwhile I paid so much at the time I was six feet in pussy, young man.
But I realized later, I stopped turning the street people.
guess for autographs.
Yes, but are not limited to, above all asking me: AS YOU WANT!
And she did.
Andai in MESSICO .
A esercitare la professione .
Saltuariamente ho anche esercitato in MESSICO, ero alla ricerca di anonimato ma anche e sopratutto di BONZA, vede le confesso che la in MESSICO si PIPPAVA parecchio, tre anni dopo ripresi la professione pieno RITMO avevamo spazzolato tutto il bottino dell'ESTORSIONE, mandai a fare in culo mio marito, purtroppo non trovai più un'altro COGLIONE di quel CALIBRO, tornai ai canonici 1000 euro a botta trattabili .
RUBY ora vedi di andarci really in Mexico, you would not want to ruin your post, I do not recommend the bitch as usual.
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SGARBIX the LECCOMANE known today said it is full of Carnival floats on the Bung-Bung, plays down the people and have fun.
SGARBIX my case, people will definitely enjoy it but I would say that rather than play down taking the piss the insane, at least on Carnival was always used to do so, ie take the piss.
But this year is just for cars with the Bung-Bung, according SGARBIX is said to play down, the wagon back next course to take the piss out of anyone who has been placed on top, and even before the cart means.
At this point, I believe, the only one that should SDRAMATIZZARE is just the cap. Saturday, March 5, 2011
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'm lost, I do not raccappezzo, but maybe I saw this woman in an alley a few nights ago, it was in the chair like in the picture but on a curbstone, but perhaps I am mistaken, boh!
doubts remain.
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ITALIAN CAPITALISM (caring for each other ?????)
Massimo Delu
I keep the balls
Riprendo il TUTTO..........., sembra che gli OPERAI POLACCHI SIANO DIVENTATI ESOSI, scusate dove devo andare per la SERBIA ?
I keep the balls
know that quite a Tronchetti P. TELECOM bought.
How bought it he might even buy a homeless man.
They've lent money banks.
And just as they MAKE?
But with the bills.
Brilliant, we thought if we first bought the U.S..
How come you did not YOU?
Just as well, almost is the same as if it were our own, plus interest of course.
So it's a matter of interest?
So you could lend to me?
What guarantees would have given YOU?
bills like that one.
But she knows a guy?
NO, but you do not trust?
No clear but does not even know GALBANI since he brought up the trust?
No to charity conosco un pastore che fa certe ROBIOLE da MANICOM ....
Si, si ok, non si DILUNGHI abbiamo CAPITO le FAREMO SAPERE, attenda FIDUCIOSO, lei non conosce nessuno .
Si ARMI di PAZIENZA e nel frattempo che ATTENDE FIDUCIOSO si faccia un panino con del formaggio GALBANI, sempre nel mentre o se preferisce nei pressi .
Devo ATTENDERE molto o devo PRESSARE mi dica che non ho CAPITO ?
ABBASTANZA, abbastanza, si fidi non è il primo che non conosce nessuno che vedo ATTENDERE, le dico subito che un PANINO non BASTA .
But as the Press?
Look I'm telling you now, if you do not know dude, he wants to press, in fact close to what he wants if the like.
We live in a democracy, God forbid that I prohibit the press, but if she insists he does not know dude, I can not help it, had thought of that before.
Before when?
But questions that arise before, she had asked the right questions at the right time, so before ....
of birth?
YES, YOU would "Birth" son, cousin, nephew, always the pro, uncle, grandfather, cousin of the second, third, fourth, fifth in n'drine count all the cousins, or at least family friends, or friends of a family friend, toh YOU want to exaggerate he had known before could be "Birth" third cousin of a friend of a friend's second cousin of the COGNO MINISTER CAIO.
But why?
Due to a conflict of interest forunatamente resolved two centuries ago, almost a family GUY EX-conflict-and-so in the end they are distant relatives.
I understand, at this point I try to be patient, I just have to order a ventina di PANINI, magari non tutti con il GALBANI, dopo un po la fiducia viene a meno .
Bravo, bravissimo, faccia così, si tenga una mano sul cuore e non si preoccupi del portafoglio, è i una BOTTE di FERRO .
In che senso ?
Tranquillo si fidi ora il formaggio non centra, si fidi, si fidi, sia fiducioso, tenga solo la VASELINA a portara di mano.
Perchè ?
Non si sa mai .
Capisco .
Bravo .
So it's a matter of interest?
So you could lend to me?
What guarantees would have given YOU?
bills like that one.
But she knows a guy?
NO, but you do not trust?
No clear but does not even know GALBANI since he brought up the trust?
No to charity conosco un pastore che fa certe ROBIOLE da MANICOM ....
Si, si ok, non si DILUNGHI abbiamo CAPITO le FAREMO SAPERE, attenda FIDUCIOSO, lei non conosce nessuno .
Si ARMI di PAZIENZA e nel frattempo che ATTENDE FIDUCIOSO si faccia un panino con del formaggio GALBANI, sempre nel mentre o se preferisce nei pressi .
Devo ATTENDERE molto o devo PRESSARE mi dica che non ho CAPITO ?
ABBASTANZA, abbastanza, si fidi non è il primo che non conosce nessuno che vedo ATTENDERE, le dico subito che un PANINO non BASTA .
But as the Press?
Look I'm telling you now, if you do not know dude, he wants to press, in fact close to what he wants if the like.
We live in a democracy, God forbid that I prohibit the press, but if she insists he does not know dude, I can not help it, had thought of that before.
Before when?
But questions that arise before, she had asked the right questions at the right time, so before ....
of birth?
YES, YOU would "Birth" son, cousin, nephew, always the pro, uncle, grandfather, cousin of the second, third, fourth, fifth in n'drine count all the cousins, or at least family friends, or friends of a family friend, toh YOU want to exaggerate he had known before could be "Birth" third cousin of a friend of a friend's second cousin of the COGNO MINISTER CAIO.
But why?
Due to a conflict of interest forunatamente resolved two centuries ago, almost a family GUY EX-conflict-and-so in the end they are distant relatives.
I understand, at this point I try to be patient, I just have to order a ventina di PANINI, magari non tutti con il GALBANI, dopo un po la fiducia viene a meno .
Bravo, bravissimo, faccia così, si tenga una mano sul cuore e non si preoccupi del portafoglio, è i una BOTTE di FERRO .
In che senso ?
Tranquillo si fidi ora il formaggio non centra, si fidi, si fidi, sia fiducioso, tenga solo la VASELINA a portara di mano.
Perchè ?
Non si sa mai .
Capisco .
Bravo .
E il TRONCHETTO della FELICITA' ha pagato il debito con le BOLLETTE, TECNICAMENTE poteva farlo CHIUNQUE anche un BARBONE .
Previo un piano di RIENTRO del TIPO lascio a qualche due o tremila persone casa .
Lo fanno tutti i grandi MANAGER, studiano una VITA si laureano salvano poi le AZIENDE tramite i LICENZIAMENTI, roba che potrebbe fare anche uno con la QUINTA ELEMENTARE, affianchi uno con la quinta elementare a un manager guarda come si fa, gli ruba il mestiere e poi lo fa anche LUi o no ?
Previo un piano di RIENTRO del TIPO lascio a qualche due o tremila persone casa .
Lo fanno tutti i grandi MANAGER, studiano una VITA si laureano salvano poi le AZIENDE tramite i LICENZIAMENTI, roba che potrebbe fare anche uno con la QUINTA ELEMENTARE, affianchi uno con la quinta elementare a un manager guarda come si fa, gli ruba il mestiere e poi lo fa anche LUi o no ?
La DIFFERENZE stanno nelle amicizie, nelle FREQUENTAZIONI , TECNICAMENTE a CERTI LIVELLI sono all poor, do not hunt a 'Euro THEY NEVER, NEVER, I'll Always, we ask for the moon to Pantelleria, but they boh ......... .......... ..... !
If they are always paid, because they lend them to him forever.
I SURELY you understand.
On the other hand do not HAVE MICA the right friends, if not capivate, even I truly understand I'm drunk, and I will definitely read it tomorrow OIBO '.
Beyond all OIBO 'of the world that we like it or not these are funds ITALIAN.
As such MINCHIONNE always hat in hand to seek help STATUS everywhere, shit looks like a communist leader.
Capitalists robin, ie 4 money, stuff that in the STATES Mouldy that was decades in jail.
Well yes there is also happened to have between the bales of PSEUDO SELF MADE MAN, unless the state intervened many times, hello, goodnight, BY-BY, aufidersen, goodbye, goodbye, hello, hello, see you, see you tomorrow, good night, the early bird catches the worm, greets you John, but who is?
Your brother COGLIONE, cambi tu il pannolino al PUPO, si lo cambio IO, ma chi lo cambia al DEMENTE ?
Your brother COGLIONE, cambi tu il pannolino al PUPO, si lo cambio IO, ma chi lo cambia al DEMENTE ?
Addirittura ULTIMAMENTE ma neanche tanto, sono UBRIACO tenetene sempre conto dello SCOPPIO RITARDATO, d'altro canto non sono un CRONISTA d'ASSALTO ma un semplice BLOGGER stasera e non solo fortunatamente alterato ! Riprendo il TUTTO..........., sembra che gli OPERAI POLACCHI SIANO DIVENTATI ESOSI, scusate dove devo andare per la SERBIA ?
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But finally we see light at the end of the tunnel, I a Mr. A in the sense that count for one election at least that day ACCOUNT as the insane, the other days more '.
As many know, the culture in general is going through a crisis, in the budget were cut EUR 350 million, effectively putting at risk thousands of jobs .
ESSENTIAL second cut which had become the demented, the objective lack of money.
But finally we see light at the end of the tunnel, I a Mr. A in the sense that count for one election at least that day ACCOUNT as the insane, the other days more '.
How can I say such a thing?
Try to ask whether it is better to die I have the insane.
My answer is the demented.
If you ask Cicchitto say him, but unfortunately for Cicchitto I decided that the insane person and all his BANDA CONTINO on this blog is not a dick, then Cicchitto Suca!
So where I found the EURO?
You simply combine the referenda in local elections ..
this government subject to the dwarf INCAPABLE OF SHIT and have his shady dealings and the continuous escape from his legal problems, he did exactly the opposite.
Now he must explain it all to me, but not those who lose their jobs for the operations they CUT, CUT MUST first set, again from them. but now canceled by themselves, merde.
Now he must explain it all to me, but not those who lose their jobs for the operations they CUT, CUT MUST first set, again from them. but now canceled by themselves, merde.
DENUNCIAMOLI for this, but at the same time for anything else.
As for the Constitution because the insane person should be changed for the better but for us not to him, with the introduction of referenda legislation without a quorum, it is time for some laws to do the PEOPLE, not seen that shit we will make them ever.
I challenge you, shit, shit ARE USELESS.
I challenge you, shit, shit ARE USELESS.
I hope that in the near future are also abolished the parliaments, they would see reduced as well, where committees are elaborated Read it and then you have recourse to the popular electronic voting for any law that we need, of real importance for the PEOPLE, once a month, two hours early on a Saturday afternoon, 14:00 to 15:00 the latest, two hours to make CLICK helpful to us, in spite of the insane and of the Dementia near future.
Meanwhile, in the hope that you are overwhelmed (the government or sgoverno choice) from class-action and in the meantime started to explain these 350 million Throwing away.
They always count on the silence on very little information, at least avoid having to explain sull'INSPIEGABILE.
we are governed by the Fortuneteller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are governed by the Fortuneteller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Italy gathered in
Massimo Delu
I keep the balls
I keep the balls
Many call center and a new figure profesional, not so new: the revitalization of older people.
simple job, work more like the dialectical, but also semantic, the mouth is critical.
How does the revitalization of the tired old stuff?
has two options, or ADDRIZZA, or blew into it, as is done with a balloon as a result of course thanks to an elastic crystallizes the ALL.
Non funziona ma potrebbe fare una bella figura, diciamo alla BOTERO .
Non funziona ma potrebbe fare una bella figura, diciamo alla BOTERO .
Ho appena inventato i CAZZI VOLANTI o GONFI .
La più famosa RIVITALIZZATRICE d'ITALIA, occorre NATURIZZARLA al più presto come si usa fare con gli SPORTIVI che possono PORTARE LUSTRO alla NAZIONE, va anche in TRASFERTA .
Ovviamente CASH !!!
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di Massimo Delù
Lo tengo per le palle
Lo tengo per le palle
CALDEROLI ha detto che il processo federale è IRREVERSIBILE .
PUTTANATE, mai versione fu più FALLACE, per lo meno in un PAESE DEMOCRATICO, ma forse "IDDU" ha in mente altro .
L'ultima idea brillante partorita dal TANGHERO è immunity for the SINCACI or federal, because we have BALLS written on his forehead.
If tomorrow or in ten years an anti-federalist party took 51% of the votes A-BO-LI-BE-REB, it also scan for NOT Understanding, federalism, and that's me it seems pretty democratic or not.
Even the Roman Empire was irreversible even completely disappeared.
of irreversible there is only CEMETERY, my dear CALDEROLIX statement definitely matured in a state of CONFUSION ALCOHOL and transmitted to the world during the DOWN LEAD inspiring.
The Pirlo has already mortgaged the future, maybe in a fortnight in car crashes against a plane tree to 150 per hour, at this point I implore the buffer stock to drop from just behind the wheel, the accident would be irreversibly its absence from the beloved PADANIA
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