di Massimo Delù
Lo tengo per le palle
Lo tengo per le palle
CALDEROLI ha detto che il processo federale è IRREVERSIBILE .
PUTTANATE, mai versione fu più FALLACE, per lo meno in un PAESE DEMOCRATICO, ma forse "IDDU" ha in mente altro .
L'ultima idea brillante partorita dal TANGHERO è immunity for the SINCACI or federal, because we have BALLS written on his forehead.
If tomorrow or in ten years an anti-federalist party took 51% of the votes A-BO-LI-BE-REB, it also scan for NOT Understanding, federalism, and that's me it seems pretty democratic or not.
Even the Roman Empire was irreversible even completely disappeared.
of irreversible there is only CEMETERY, my dear CALDEROLIX statement definitely matured in a state of CONFUSION ALCOHOL and transmitted to the world during the DOWN LEAD inspiring.
The Pirlo has already mortgaged the future, maybe in a fortnight in car crashes against a plane tree to 150 per hour, at this point I implore the buffer stock to drop from just behind the wheel, the accident would be irreversibly its absence from the beloved PADANIA
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