Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Build A Go Kart With Motorcycle Engine


Lo tengo per le palle

Circa 15 giorni fa campeggiava in prima pagina sul GENIALE : RUBY è una VECCHIETTA secondo l'ANAGRAFE del paese di origine della PROFESSIONISTA da CAMERA, RUBY sarebbe stata iscritta due anni dopo, quindi quando si sarebbe VENDUTA al DEMENTE era maggiorenne .
Gongolava tutta la COSCA : brindiamo DEMENTE, cin, cin ….
Ahahahah ve lo avevo detto, con un po di EURO si ottengono sempre OTTIMI RISULTATI, ahahahah TIE' GIUDICI del cazzo, vi ho fregati nuovamente, ahahahahah stasera si festeggia ahahahah una bella seduta di BUNGA-BUNGA, ahahahahahah i GIUDICI sono FOTTUTI .
Ieri, sul FATTO Q. (giornale serio) : la RESPONSABILE dell'ANAGRAFE del paese di origine di KARIMA ECC …, denuncia il tentativo di CORROMPERLA .
Due EMISSARI di non si sa di CHI, qui la RISATA è D'OBBLIGO, accompagnati da un INTERPRETE marocchino ma venuto anch'esso dall'ITALIA forse MILANO, have approached the woman, offering her a large sum of money backdated to the year of birth of Ruby.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, but could not get their COCKS, who the fuck maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ordered him to check it maybe the doctor?
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everything was fine, I kept them in hand, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....
Calm so DEMENTED LADY is not furious ... ...........
Me neeeeeeeeeeeee fottoooooooooooooooooooooooo coglioniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, you're DILETTANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you too, Mavala 'maledettooooooooooooo I wonder who brought us together.
had to double that, Triple maledettiiiiiiiiiiiii incompetent cazzoooooo it takes to bribe a poor man, you're a maledettiiiiiiiiiiiii incapable maledettiiiiiiiiiiii we were caught right away.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everything from rifareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!
DEMENTED LADY I remember that two months ago you said, I arranged them, send two in Morocco, we will change the date of birth, is a country of goat herder and pig farmers.
not true I never said such a thing.
But it is not a press conference DEMENTIEVA, between us there is no need LIE, DENY, we are accomplices.
not remember the episode in the end we even had a fight because of the pigs, do not raise pigs in Morocco, she insisted that SI points at the end I had to slap her to also bring her to herself!
Gee is right Mavala 'now ricordo maledetti MAIALI, ma che facciamo ora ?
Neghiamo TUTTO come SEMPRE e DENUNCIAMO questo grave atto .
Scusi MAVALA' quale GRAVE ATTO ?
E quello sarebbe un GRAVE ATTO MAVALA' ?
Cazzo sta dicendo ?
Per NOI le ricordo che è la PRASSI, col CAZZO che avevo ancora la MAGGIORANZA se non CORROMPEVO trenta parlamentari .
Moderi i termini MAVALA', NOT TOO serious act now so offends me, I'm keeping an eye on the.
It is the usual but we always say to ITALIAN STORIES, I know very well that corruption is a snares, but it is still considered a crime, DEMENTED LADY sorry but it is safe to feel good?
Yes sure I had a moment of confusion, therefore, denounce this cowardly attempt to save, I might even start a press campaign, I already see the headlines: the insane SMOTHER BY LOVE TWO PEOPLE HAVE TRIED WITH MYSTERIOUS AN INITIATIVE OF THEIR PERSONNEL TO CHANGE THE AGE 'OF RUBY, DAMAGE TO THE FACT THAT the insane ", stop the insane it already helps by itself, does not need amateurs.
Or we can focus on the usual communist plot: Three terrorists of the left have tried to bribe the official, in order to get caught and put the blame on DEMENTIEVA, we now think a bit about.
Mavala 'still want those three to be transferred immediately to the office of Vladivostok, we do not want to see.
DEMENTED LADY I'm sorry but we do not have offices in Vladivostok and then mica was their fault, that he knew of those facts would have controlled.
Maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, maledettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii not want to hear mention that paper.

Want to know when there's an all the newspapers, the daily is the first newspaper he reads late at night before going to bed, I play the ball, if not Masochism this.
Conclusion the present attitude of the Dementia SLIGHTLY stride with announcements and proclamations of 15 days ago, apparently based on nothing, if the news had been true at this law well other things: Hounds of the lunatic HAVE DISCOVERED ... .... instead of "strangers Attempts to bribe ... .. Light will be shed on the murder ... ... Actually now the story is turning against the cap and fled to safe havens, however, the triumphalistic the BRILLIANT AD proved to be the usual buffalo.
How the hell do you read some newspapers.
I tell you right now that the principal will never be found, partly because the complainant failed to TERMINATED.


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