I keep the balls
Today, the demented and appeared at a press conference with the Minister of ' IMPUNITY 'ALFCULO, the stage takes a flashy dressing on the side and USELESS.
The day before yesterday the ballast was made in the mouth, to repair the damage caused by 'aggession Petty suffered from the hands of Tartaglia.
The famous day when he entered the Cathedral of Milan in the law as: the Cathedral WHEEL.
Even then he showed himself to the insane ITALIAN INCEROTTATO conspicuously, was going through a period of shit, however TARTAGLIA the episode was cleverly ridden by DEMENTED LADY that recovered in the polls, thanks to the patch.
now magically reappeared patches, but if at the time there was still an objective justification, The patches seem a stretch to me today.
E 'the last act necessary Tartaglia, the demented by the unnecessary WRAPPING try to wrest a minimum consensus, but remember, the insane was made in the mouth, he was put on a pin, these interventions do not require any PATCH, not the cut face.
any of us at least once in their life has done to extract a tooth from the mouth I want to know how many patches have been applied?
the insane person has tried to scrape the bottom in this matter, but I tell you right now that:
How FOMENTING hate this time I came to count the FLEA MEDICATION cap, I think it is FAKE FAKE as the man who DOOR,
short, the usual antics of CAP .
At the beginning of the press conference was very worried before going behind the scenes ... ....
ALFCULO tell me something.
available DEMENTED LADY What do you want?
Tell me you see the ALFCULO Medicare will notice JOURNALISTS, you seem very visible, I do put a larger one?
Quiet DEMENTED LADY quiet, you see very well.
ALFCULO Are you sure, I worked hard on this PADDED PLASTER, I could scrape up 0.3% in the polls Rimba must be cultivated daily.
Quiet DEMENTIEVA, you see.
Ok I trust, let prejudice gentlemen, I'm sorry you see the dressing.
Gosh, golly mi scuso con tutti per la mia SCARSA PRESENTABILITA', pensavo non si vedesse, maledizione mi avevano assicurato che non si vedeva, CRIBBIO …
Si certo come se fosse uno stupido cerotto a farne un IMPRESENTABILE .
Già oggi comunque si sono verificate diverse sceneggiate da NORD a SUD in alcuni studi dentistici, pare che la medicazione ha iniziato a fare tendenza fra le menti più labili dei sostenitori del TAPPO, come al solito sono le fasce più deboli a pagarne le conseguenze .
Ha sentito male ?
No ha fatto un buon lavoro DENTISTA .
Si dia una risciacquata, può andare .
Ma come non mi fascia, non mi mette due cerotti ?
Mi scusi prego, cosa dovrei farle ?
Ma mettermi qualche cerotto, non ha visto il DEMENTE, anch'io voglio i CEROTTI, anch'io ho diritto al CEROTTO, lo dice l'articolo tre della costituzione, ogni cittadino è uguale difronte a un CEROTTO, quando ci VUOLE ci VUOLE, ogni cittadino a diritto al proprio CEROTTO, cribbio !!!
Si, si, si certo il CEROTTO, as no.
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