Sunday, June 24, 2007

Images Of Athlete's Foot On The Hand

Metadata & platypus

I received an email Duval, who asks me the reason for my position strongly critical of the LOM (Learning Object Metadata) about his involvement EDEN in the conference (Naples) and clarifies his "vision" on the grounds that "The point I tried to make LOM That Should Be Rather is more hidden from end users. Metadata Remain More Than Ever though that is crucial to enable sophisticated Functionalities." (See previous post).
I do not think this is the point. Metadata someone, but they will enter. The problem is that the end user has no desire to enter 80 fields for each LO spedifiche and often does not agree or do not understand the classification.
If we insert an "expert" or a librarian also runs the risk of getting a categorization is completely arbitrary because the library is * not * and the user is unable to interpret contexts of use are expressed with appropriate keywords. The solution probably lies in a judicious use of a folksonomy accompanied by a basic standard of metadata (Dublin core ones are fine, for example).
What is difficult to enter and use the LOM is also convinced him I am sure, even if you think still the main problem is only in the "boredom" fill in the fields:

June 1st, 2007
"One of Our lessons in this category, to "lead by example" Personally I tried for many years to convince people to Contribute Extensive Amounts of metadata, in order to describe Their resources. Actually I was kind Sometimes of successful: people did enter the metadata in the electronic forms we provided. But the problem was that this success was always short-lived: after a few weeks, they would revert back to not entering anything beyond the very basic title and maybe the author information. After a long time and much resistance, I concluded that “electronic forms must die” and that we need to find other ways to collect the metadata.That was a very tedious process, but it did lead to our quite successful work on automatic metadata generation." [Duval]

in realtà il problema sta sopratutto a monte, proprio nell'atto di stabilire una classificazione adeguata per un oggetto: le keywords scelte sono infatti idiosincratiche e rispecchiano i contesti d'uso and semantic features of a community.
Not to mention the issue of intentionality: if you're lost in the sun Jaguar Australia and search for "shadow" this is a tag that you would like stuck to the definition of "tree", while if you want something to burn, there is likely to warm in mind the tag "wood" ... it could also happen to be hungry and find a strange animal called Platypus: Unfortunately, you're picky and do not eat meat mammal. Ask your friend Aboriginal and tells you that the strange animal feeding children, but lays eggs, has a duck-billed but the peole beaver .... unfortunately the satellite connection to the Internet does not work and your doubt about the taxonomy of scienze naturali dovrà rimanere irrisolto fino a che tornate in città. Intanto però non riuscite a staccare gli occhi dalla povera bestiola che sta arrostendo sul fuoco prontamente acceso dall'aborigeno e da cui si sprigiona un profumino delizioso...
...potreste anche decidere che il tag più adatto adesso è senz'altro la parola... "cibo".

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bushnell Elite 3200 10x40 Usage

After EDEN

Di ritorno da una settimana intensa conclusa con la partecipazione a Napoli ad EDEN 2007 "New learning 2.0" provo a tirare le somme.
Sarò cattivo.
Devo dire che mi aspettavo qualcosa di più: pochi interventi di carattere teorico che possano costituire un punto di riferimento e molti report of experiments in the use of blogs and wikis and other Web 2.0 tools. Unfortunately, even the presentations of the plenary session were at a conference as prestigious. Teemu Arina, a young star of the Web 2.0 conference, even with a carefully presented gtraficamente, offered the usual references to the formal-informal and the serendipity of the network at the end of its advertising consulting firm.

Erik Duval Chairman of the bankruptcy project European Foundation Ariadne excuse now and after 5 years and invested millions of euro says that maybe we were wrong, forcing people to fill 80 fields of metadata to describe the learning object is was un errore... e quindi ora propone una "federated research" con repositori inglobati da mezzo mondo e ricerche semplificate (staremo a vedere, del resto cosa si può pretendere da uno che è tuttora technical editor dei famigerati LOM - IMS Learning Object Metadata, quelli, tanto per intenderci che hanno inserito campi sul "grado di granularità" o sulla "densità semantica" di un LO?).

E poi Graham Moore che critica Wikipedia associandola ad Orwell di 1984 per cui se la maggioranza dice che due più due fa cinque questa diviene la verità ufficiale (critica un pochino esagerata vero?) Per non parlare della solita storia del "vino vecchio nella bottiglia nuova",
"il web 2.0 sì però.. conta il metodo, how to manage the learning process .. ", etc., etc. ... things certainly true, but proving he does not understand the essence of a fundamentally different social software and" affordances "that you drag with it.

Again did not understand that the technologies shaping our minds and therefore our actions:
just think how did the photos before you buy digital camera, we were very careful to take, once the image imprinted in the film will remain there forever The result was seen only in photos and then print a roll of film will contain a maximum of 36. Today, however, it can take as much of it contains the memory available (virtually unlimited) and many exposures for each subject. With the result that the average quality has improved, not because we have improved us in the difficult art of photography, but simply because up dozens (or hundreds) of shots of the same subject can choose the ones that were better. In short, it changed the way we do because the digital photos we provide many more degrees of freedom and even non-professionals can have satisfaction without spending a fortune.

pity then for Freedman of Blackboard that could not be present: his speech "Incorporating 2.0 technologies, horizontal communities and human capital frameworks into the higher education setting" I would sentito con interesse per molti motivi, non ultimo capire se il loro tentativo di integrare il web 2.0 nelle piattaforme avrà successo o meno.

***AGGIORNAMENTO direttamente da E. Duval che riporto qui:

Not sure how reliable the automated translation from Italian is, but google and babelfish both suggest you call ARIADNE "bankrupt"? I'm happy to point out that the ARIADNE Foundation (not project) is alive and well :-)

And maybe it wasn't clear from my presentation, but we rely on LOTS of metadata, LOM and others, to help people find relevant resources. LOM is certainly not "ill-famed" in the large communities that I work with. The point I tried to make is rather that LOM should be more hidden from end users. Metadata Remain More Than Ever though that is crucial to enable sophisticated Functionalities.

Just a clarification ... Posted by Erik Duval

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Academic Poster Templates

The new powers for teachers

For some time I'm asking what should be the c ompetenze for teachers who wish to integrate social software into daily teaching.
Which ultimately means more than mere technical expertise in the use of blogs, wikis and other social tagging tools, think about: participation, ethics, information literacy. The technology provides the affordance, but it is for us to address these opportunities in an environment of openness and respect for others.
Social software should be used to re-create that sense of community that has been lost in the real world. Can do if people understand the meaning of the decisions and actions that institutions take. E 'for this reason that social software will finally be the missing link between school and society: the participation in the informal is the key.

Let's discuss this.