Monday, January 31, 2011

Removing Paint Marksfrom Car

Convegno Unagipa sulla Riforma della Giustizia di Pace. Dati sullo sciopero

Wednesday, January 26, at the Conference Room of the Court of Appeal of Rome, was held the conference organized dall'Unagipa, recognized by the Council of the Bar of Rome for the purpose of training lawyers, on "Reform of the justice of peace, between legality and efficiency."
Vice President of the Superior Council of Magistracy Honourable Michele Vietti Joseph, who was unable to attend institutional commitments to be postponed, sent an elaborate message, which was given full reading of the opening of the Congress.
He then spoke to the President of the Court of Appeal of Rome, George Santacroce, who, in a long speech, pointed out, on the one hand, the fundamental contribution made by the justices of the peace justice system, now on the verge the collapse, on the other, the need for regulatory intervention and urgent ministerial order to ensure continuity of operation of the Offices of the GDP of the District of its relevance, which is currently understaffed and with severe shortages of material resources and administrative staff, with particular reference the situation in Rome, where the clerks employ over two years for the publication of judgments.
are then intervened order and under the wise moderation of activity Carla Rufino, speakers Gabriele Longo (Evolution of Justice of the Peace-Goals and the reform hinges) , Emilio Manganiello (Justices of the Peace in ' judiciary) , Alberto Rossi (The reform of the justice of the peace. parliamentarians and government projects) , and then written interventions Flora Maria Di Giovanni (The justice of the peace in the Constitution) and Oliver Bell (Civil Mediation and Conciliation).
They are represented by speakers Berruti Paul, Augustine and Maione Rosa Ierardi, respectively, representing the National Bar Council, Advocacy and Advocacy Unit Roman Body, Dr. Mimma Modica Alberti, representing Active Citizenship, the Honourable Gabriella Carlucci (PDL) and Roberto Rao (UDC), and Senator Filippo Berselli (PDL-President of the Senate Judiciary Committee), the Dr. Mario Rosario Morelli, President of Chamber of the Supreme Court and Dr. Paul Auriemma , componente del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura.
Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata dai Relatori e da vari interventi agli aspetti tecnici, di natura ordinamentale e costituzionale, della Riforma della Giustizia di Pace, evidenziando la grave lacunosità del progetto Caliendo su  punti fondamentali : a) svilimento della figura del giudice di pace, che preannuncia, con la clausola di invarianza finanziaria, un’equiparazione verso il basso dei redditi di tutti i giudici onorari; b) peggioramento dello status giuridico del giudice di pace, con esclusione della continuità (da tre mandati si passa a due mandati four-year, except for transitional rule) and any form of social protection; c) collateral damage regulated directions of the magistrate, who has not recognized the inviolable right to defend themselves and contradict in the confirmation of four years and is limited to the same right, in its of disciplinary proceedings, only in the preliminary stage before the Judicial Council, for more integrated and predominantly got subsidized housing (which are mostly in relation to GDP), d) methods of recruitment, with disqualification of the justice of the peace are merely a law degree; e) weak point of the principles of autonomy of the offices, subject to the direction of the President of the Court, and independence of the justice of the peace, subject to controls continuous (quarterly, annual and biennial) by the "custodial judge" - totally new figure in our legal system and of doubtful compatibility with Article 101, paragraph 2, of the Constitution - and the same President of the Court, which duplicate the powers of self-direction and direct supervision of the offices of justices of the peace; f) violation of Article 104 of the Constitution, which states that all components of the ordinary courts (the Justice of the Peace is an ordinary court) are proportionally represented in CSM g) typing of disciplinary offenses by dubious criteria of interpretation and the punishment of removal from office occurrences are not particularly serious (actually penalized, according to established guidelines of the CSM, with only the warning).
Particular concern has attracted the intervention of the Auriemma, who confirmed that the Ministry of Justice presented to the CSM to the draft revision of the organic plants of Justices of the Peace and eventual ' binding opinion of the CSM and the CSM has announced plans to restart as soon as the competition for coverage of over 2,000 positions were vacant at the justice of the peace .
Of particular note the efforts of politicians (Carlucci, Rao and Berson), all of whom have expressed sympathy with the claims of class.
not been able to intervene to concurrent commitments and sent greetings to the legal adviser to the President, the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation Dr. Vitaliano Esposito, President Hon Matthew Brigandì Eight of the Commission of the CSM and Prof. Bartolomeo Romano component of the Commission itself, the President of the Sixth Committee of the CSM, Dr. Vittorio Borraccetti, the Chairman of the OAU represented. Maurizio de Tilla, Vice President Professor of CNF. Ubaldo Perfetti, and Mr Federico Palomba Luigi De Magistris and IDV, Senator Silvia Della Monica PD's representative to the Senate Judiciary Commissiione who sent the agenda No 2518 submitted calling for the reform of the judiciary that honorary "subtract from the condition in which it is maintained provisional" category.

E 'was confirmed the presentation of various amendments to the Senate, when converted into law the decree "milleproroghe", both on the continuity the relationship of all the justices of the peace up to 75 years (Amendment is conditional on parliamentary approval of the Government, is on the extension until December 31, 2011 Peer to expire or already expired this year .
dell'Avvocatura Representatives, which have focused on the deleterious effects of the unconstitutional and medium-conciliation , now next to the entry into force (it is recalled that the Unagipa appealed TAR Lazio to the ministerial decree for the implementation of Legislative Decree No 28/2010 and has been set for the prima decade di febbraio l’udienza sulla sospensiva) e hanno espresso pareri critici sul progetto Caliendo.
Il testo del messaggio del vice Presidente del CSM Vietti, delle relazioni e degli interventi saranno pubblicati per esteso.


Il Presidente Nazionale                                The Secretary-General
(Gabriele Longo) ; ; (Alberto Rossi)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pneumonia English Bulldogs


(Sticker by The Fact Daily, 28 January)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun Brain Play


(Sticker by FRIGIDAIRE 230)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cancer Thyroid Sayings

Meeting of 01.26.2011 - Program

between legality 'AND EFFICIENCY
Wednesday 26 January 2011, at 09:30 to 18:00
Via Varisco 3-5, in the Conference Hall of the Court of Appeal of Rome

Attorney Michele Vietti Joseph - Vice President of the Superior Council of Magistracy
Welcome and Introduction:
Cons. Giorgio Santacroce - President of the Court of Appeal of Rome
Moderator: Mr.
Carla Rufini - District President of the National Union of Justices of the Peace
Speakers: Mr.
Gabriele Longo " Evolution of Justice of the Peace: objectives and cornerstones of the Reformation "
Attorney Alberto Rossi " The Reform of the Justice of the Peace: parliamentary and governmental projects "
Dr. Maria Flora Di Giovanni " Justices of the Peace Constitution "
Mr. . Emilio Manganiello " Justices of the Peace in the judiciary "
Mr. Oliver Bell " Mediation and Conciliation civil "
and take part :
Cons . Rosario Mario Morelli - Chairman of the Chamber of the Supreme Court
Dr. Mario Bellucci - Director of Research Department of the Constitutional Court Massimario
Senator Filippo Berselli (PDL) - President of the Senate Judiciary Committee
Mr Gabriella Carlucci (PDL) - co-signatory of dl 3559 on social protection of gdp
Senator Silvia Della Monica (PD) - Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee
Mr Luigi De Magistris (IDV) - Member of Parliament and member of the Presidency European Parliament
Mr Donald Ferranti (PD) - Member of the House Judiciary Committee Senator
Luigi Li Gotti (IDV) - Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee
Mr Andrea Orlando (PD) - Member of the House Judiciary Committee
Mr Federico Palomba (IDV) - Vice President of the House Judiciary Committee
Mr Paola Pelino (PDL) - Secretary of the Labour Commission of the Chamber
Roberto Rao (UDC) - Member of the House Judiciary Committee
Mr Peter Tide (PD) - Member of the House Judiciary Committee
Mr Mario Valducci (PDL) - President of the Transportation Commission of the Chamber
Mr. Maione Agostino - Vice Chairman of the Advocacy Unit
Attorney Donald Cerè - Director of the Bar of Rome
Dr . Mimma Modica Alberti - Management and Secretariat Member of the National Active Citizenship
Representatives of MSM, and ANM AGIFOR, politicians and top government

It 'was applied to the Council of the Order of Lawyers Rome recognition the conference for the training of lawyers for 7 credits.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's A Gauge Blow Out


(Sticker by Done The Daily 23 January)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Aromatherapy Rosemary Strep

The Union wrote to the Minister Alfano in the response to Parliamentary

The Minister of Justice
Mr Angelino Alfano

and PC Al  Sottosegretario Senatore
                       Giacomo Caliendo

Gentile Ministro,
        nel manifestare apprezzamento per la volontà Executive, formalized in the recent speech in Parliament by the Prime Minister, to put the reform of the judiciary to peace among the priorities of the government, raises concern generous response made by his ministry question tabled by Mr . Roberto Rao.
In response to a convergence of the judiciary, political advocacy and the need to quickly reach a normalization of the employment relationship of the courts of peace, after the necessary recognition of the renewability of mandates and irrepressible constitutional protections (security) and regulated directions (independence and impartiality), still finds the answer to "many complexities related to the theme and the need for an additional" surcharge of reflection and study. "
meanwhile over 800 justices of the peace, placed in operation during the years 1995-1998, from office permanently expire between the end of this year and the first months of the year to come , with all the devastating effects of flooding will result in in all offices.
In the current political situation and the country's justice is a duty and not be put off, even with recourse to the standardization of urgency, the deletion of the provision that limits the renewability of the mandates of justice of the peace, provision in fact preclude the MSM need to have regular screening for peace on the professionalism of the courts of law to be extended indefinitely .
sure of his vision and concreteness of his intentions, I offer the best regards.

President ; ; ; The Secretary-General Gabriele Longo Alberto Rossi

Put Your Head On Hairstyles

Response to Parliamentary Secretary Caliendo on Justices of the Peace

In reply to 'question by Mr Rao Ria and I point out that, as known and as was highlighted recently, when other responses to acts of inspection of similar content, the Ministry of Justice has prepared a design scheme of law reform Organic honorary magistracy, already examined in recent months, from Council of Ministers at the outset.
This draft resolution was a matter of intense confrontation with the unions of the justices of the peace and judges fees and on this occasion, however, has been found difficult to mobilize the resources necessary to ensure social security coverage and assistance to judges fees and for that reason, there have been contacts with the Ministry of Economy, in order to verify the scale of its costs.
I can assure you, however, that in the above context, just to give practical effect to the commitments by the government - and specifically by the Minister of Justice - to achieve a reform of the judiciary made honorary sono attualmente oggetto di studio e valutazione tutte le opzioni possibili per consentire all'amministrazione della giustizia di continuare ad avvalersi della professionalità maturata da coloro che hanno già le funzioni di giudice di pace, tenuto altresì conto del carattere onorario e temporaneo delle suddette funzioni giudiziarie.
Precisa quindi che l'intenzione del Governo sarebbe di estendere la proroga prevista nel decreto «Milleproroghe» al 31 dicembre 2011, considerati anche i magistrati onorari i cui mandati sono in scadenza nei mesi di aprile e maggio 2011, che sono circa 130. Precisa inoltre che lo schema di disegno di legge di riforma organica della magistratura onoraria si ispira al principio della temporaneità, providing for a term of four years renewable for a further term of four and a maximum age of 65 years for judges already in service fees should instead be three additional four-year, with an upper age limit of 75 years. This is therefore to be represented, during a recent meeting with trade associations, the need to make two changes to the schema of the bill. Considers, in particular, should consider a return to an incompatibility with the practice of law on a district rather than the district and is a justice of the peace to assume the duties of coordinator of the office of judge peace.

Catholic Wedding Program & Bilingual


(Sticker by Done The Daily 20 January)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Many Smoking Campaigns Britain?

Wednesday, January 26 at Rome conference on "Reform of Justice Peace, between legality and efficiency. "

Wednesday, January 26, from h. At 09:30 h. 18:00, Via Varisco 3-5, in the Conference Hall of the Court of Appeal of Rome will host a conference - Conference on "Reform of the Justice of the Peace , between legality and efficiency."
Speakers and participate in top government and influential political leaders of majority and opposition.
In the coming days to disclose the details of the event poster.

The National President The Secretary-General
; (Gabriele Longo) ; (Alberto Rossi)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Home Made Red White To Audio Jack

Start at the Justice of the Peace of Pisciotta notifications by e-mail certified

The Registry Office of the Justices of the Peace of Pisciotta announced that, after the experimental stage, has been permanently activated procedure for notification of the rite by certified mail (PEC). Therefore, lawyers will indicate their address PEC, will receive tickets via e-mail stationery and other communications di servizio.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lease Expiration Letters


(Sticker by Done The Daily 15 January)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Best Pportable Projector


Ordine del giorno
  1. Prot. n. 9440/10442 – Proposta ex art. 9, 4° co., L. n. 374/91 e succ. modif. ed ex art. 17, 5° co, DPR n. 198/00, del Presidente della Corte di Appello di Salerno, relativa a gdp dell’Ufficio di Eboli. (rel. dott.ssa D’Avino)
  1. Prot. n. 2599 – Giudizio di idoneità per la conferma nelle funzioni della dott.ssa Caterina Anna Pellegrino, Giudice di pace di Roccadaspide. (rel. dott.ssa Serrelli)
  1. Prot. n. 4894 – Nota, in data 5 luglio 2010, della dott.ssa Veronica La Mura, Justice of the Peace of Salerno. (Rel. Sarno gdp)
  1. Prot No 9103 - Decree 71/10 of the President of the Court of Hall Consilina. (Rel. Gamberini gdp)
  1. Prot No 9283 - Decree No 11/10 Acting Coordinator of the Office of gdp Consilina room. (Rel. Attorney General)
  1. Prot No 10016 - Statement by the acting President of the Court of Hall Consilina with reference to the Office of the gdp of Consilina room. (Rel. President)
  1. Prot No 10240 - Changes in the composition tables - 2009/11 - Office gdp of the Cava dei Tirreni. (Rel. Dr. Serrell)
  1. Prot No 10388 - Order No 475/10 of the President of the Court of Salerno. (Rel. Chambers. Cacciatore)
  1. extraction sample of judicial justices of the peace due to expire in 2011.
  1. any other business.

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(Sticker by Done The Daily of January 14)

Friday, January 14, 2011

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confirmed the strike justices of the peace

Sen. James Caliendo

Thursday, January 13, in afternoon, a delegation of the National Union of justices of the peace, together with other representations of class, was received at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice in Arenula, by Secretary of State, Senator James Caliendo.
The meeting noted quite disappointing, highlighting the one hand, the entrenchment of the Secretary Caliendo in its negative position with regard to the main instances of category (continuity and security), on the other, the stalemate on other salient points of the reform on several occasions dealt with in previous meetings (range of offices, incompatibility, composition of the court, etc ...), where, after one year, have not yet made changes from the original draft drawn up in 2009.
There was complete closure of the Secretary Caliendo on recognition to all of the renewability of terms of office until the age of 75 years, categorically excluded both in the reform, both in the into law of dl milleproroghe currently before the Senate.
He stands a smoky and discriminating transitional rule, which is intended, the words of the Secretary Caliendo, a " term "gradually justices of the peace currently in service.
Similarly, the Secretary has indicated Caliendo total closure to all forms of social protection of the justice of the peace , justifying it first on the basis of technical barriers exist, and later, as a result of the findings made by the based on alleged deficiencies and also non-existent budget, rejecting any suggestion on this issue (funding).
In relation to the draft revision of staff on 4700 Judges, submitted to the CSM for an opinion on the findings of inconsistency with the provision of the proposed reform (which reduces the workforce to 3200 units) and the danger of a massive entry of new judges, the Secretary has not provided any explanation and justification, claiming that something different from the question of reform.
The Union has condemned the closure and the contradictory behavior of the Ministry, during the meetings, has expressed general willingness to make changes to the reform project, and then tried twice (in December 2009 and November 2010) to approve the Council of Ministers un testo di riforma avversato dalla categoria tutta con cinque settimane di sciopero e , cosa gravissima, di avere presentato al CSM un progetto di revisione delle piante organiche degli uffici che consente una immediata immissione di nuovi giudici e l’avvio di nuovi concorsi in contrasto con l’esigenze degli uffici e di una razionale riforma.
In considerazione dell’esito assolutamente negativo dell’incontro, lo sciopero del 17-28 gennaio resta confermato.
L’Unione ha promosso ieri la presentazione al Senato di un emendamento al d.l. mille proroghe per confirmation of all the GDP up to 75 years.

The National President
(Gabriele Longo)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pennysylvania Liscence Template


(Sticker Done by The Daily dell' 11 Gennaio )

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blogger Chrome Wheel Plating


THE SECRETARY TO THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Giacomo Caliendo SENATOR HAS CALLED THE UNION NATIONAL COURTS OF PEACE FOR THURSDAY 'January 13 Minutes "Following the request for a hearing were received MINISTER Honourable Angelino Alfano. "

Monday, January 10, 2011

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( Vignetta da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 9 Gennaio )

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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( Vignetta da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 4 Gennaio )

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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( Vignetta da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 31 Dicembre )

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sample Lease Expiration Letters

Living Dangerously

( Vignetta da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 30 December)