Friday, January 21, 2011

Put Your Head On Hairstyles

Response to Parliamentary Secretary Caliendo on Justices of the Peace

In reply to 'question by Mr Rao Ria and I point out that, as known and as was highlighted recently, when other responses to acts of inspection of similar content, the Ministry of Justice has prepared a design scheme of law reform Organic honorary magistracy, already examined in recent months, from Council of Ministers at the outset.
This draft resolution was a matter of intense confrontation with the unions of the justices of the peace and judges fees and on this occasion, however, has been found difficult to mobilize the resources necessary to ensure social security coverage and assistance to judges fees and for that reason, there have been contacts with the Ministry of Economy, in order to verify the scale of its costs.
I can assure you, however, that in the above context, just to give practical effect to the commitments by the government - and specifically by the Minister of Justice - to achieve a reform of the judiciary made honorary sono attualmente oggetto di studio e valutazione tutte le opzioni possibili per consentire all'amministrazione della giustizia di continuare ad avvalersi della professionalità maturata da coloro che hanno già le funzioni di giudice di pace, tenuto altresì conto del carattere onorario e temporaneo delle suddette funzioni giudiziarie.
Precisa quindi che l'intenzione del Governo sarebbe di estendere la proroga prevista nel decreto «Milleproroghe» al 31 dicembre 2011, considerati anche i magistrati onorari i cui mandati sono in scadenza nei mesi di aprile e maggio 2011, che sono circa 130. Precisa inoltre che lo schema di disegno di legge di riforma organica della magistratura onoraria si ispira al principio della temporaneità, providing for a term of four years renewable for a further term of four and a maximum age of 65 years for judges already in service fees should instead be three additional four-year, with an upper age limit of 75 years. This is therefore to be represented, during a recent meeting with trade associations, the need to make two changes to the schema of the bill. Considers, in particular, should consider a return to an incompatibility with the practice of law on a district rather than the district and is a justice of the peace to assume the duties of coordinator of the office of judge peace.


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