Monday, April 7, 2008

Dg Bumpers 02 Honda 400ex Top Speed?

Port Authority Secretary General Secretary General

Japanese Eat A Lot Of Raw Fish

Trieste 1 part 2 part Trieste Port Authority

Friday, April 4, 2008

Puss And Blood Coming From Ear

LITTLE 01/23/2008

job in Porto Within a month, a protocol on security

Within thirty days subsequently signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at establishing how to work safety in the port. This is the decision taken yesterday morning after a meeting that was held in the Prefecture of the confederal unions, the prefect John Doe, the president of the Port Claudio Boniciolli, representatives of employers and the companies of the Company health. The guidelines of the protocol - as explained Rosario Gallitelli, provincial secretary of the Fit-CISL - the census will cover port workers, the deepening of the requirements and skills that workers must have, periodic monitoring of the territory, the sanctions enterprises are not in accordance with the preventive measures for safety at work and finally the professional training of employees. "During the meeting - said Gallitelli yet - it is the will to create a training school of a docker. It is a necessity that has long been claimed by the union, and that port is already provided by the plan to remedy the replacement workers dello scalo, un evento molto spesso traumatico a causa - ha concluso il segreteario provinciale della Fit-Cisl - della scarsa preparazione dei neo-assunti».

Kate Mccann Wikipedia

LITTLE 08/03/2004

Dead white: even in a two-hour strike in Trieste port

Even the 1200 workers at the port of Trieste wanted to join the demonstration yesterday opened across Italy for draw attention to the plight of white deaths. They did so by proclaiming a two-hour strike at the end of each shift. A protest decided after yet another accident that killed a few days ago to an operator at the port of Genoa, and with intent to once again reiterate the need to raise alert levels on construction sites and in all places to wash. Just the need to take more effective preventive measures and to spread a real safety culture in the country will be the focus of a meeting called for today in the government building between union representatives and the prefect John Doe. The summit will also seek to lay the groundwork for drafting a protocol on security to be signed by all parties.

Ruptured Hernia And Trouble Swallowing

IL PICCOLO 24-01-08

Tavolo permanente convocato in Prefettura per un protocollo sulla sicurezza nel Porto

TRIESTE Un gruppo di lavoro per arrivare, in tempi rapidi, alla stesura di un protocollo stringente che regolamenti le attività di verifica per la sicurezza dei lavoratori nel Porto di Trieste. La riunione, indetta lunedì dalla Prefettura a seguito della morte di un camionista bulgaro avvenuta il 10 gennaio scorso nel piazzale del terminal di Riva Traiana, si è rivelata tristemente attuale a causa della morte dei due lavoratori al porto di Marghera mentre lavoravano in una stiva di una nave. La seduta del tavolo permanente al Commissariato di Governo è stata tutt’altro che interlocutoria anche perchè il Prefetto Giovanni Balsamo sembra intenzionato a stringere i tempi per l’approvazione del protocollo presentando proposte concrete e incisive sulla falsa riga di quanto già approvato in altri porti italiani sul tema della sicurezza. Sulla stessa linea i rappresentanti sindacali – Cgil, Cisl e Uil in testa – che hanno espresso la volontà di ricercare un «maggior intreccio di competenze tra Autorità Portuale, Capitaneria di Porto e Azienda sanitaria», spiega Angelo D’Adamo, segretario regionale della Filt-Cgil, i tre Members subject to verify that all work is performed according to the rules within the airport. Instruments set out to achieve the goal starting from prevention implemented by the workers themselves are those adopted in the major Italian ports. In particular, the establishment of the Soi (OS built-in) competence of Health Authority to ensure constant monitoring of the activities and interventions implemented by companies engaged in Porto. The unions also seek to raise the professional figures - which already exist in many companies - Representatives of workers' safety (RLS), so they can have access to all facilities of the terminals, a bit 'as inspectors of the Port Authority. At present there, and this is also an objective that will be discussed at the next meeting in the Prefecture, a coordination between them and between Rls Rls and other individuals tasked with ensuring compliance with safety standards. Today, in fact, the inspectors of the Port Authority can not under any circumstances to issue sanctions for failure to comply with safety regulations. When they consider serious irregularity can also get to stop working, but in case of minor offenses are limited to recommending the rules. 'It's true - confirmed D'Adamo - also why we call for coordination between subjects who would have a complete and some of the security issue. " Have more workers available for these types of controls, or even of permanent garrisons within the port as agreed in Naples and Genoa, will result in a need of resources. Where they may be taken? "These are the companies that need help in this regard - replies D'Adamo - is also what we mean when we talk about increasing the involvement of companies on the issue of security in the world of work." Port Authority, Health Agency, Harbour, trade unions, representatives of shippers and the Cooperative League of work and then to a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim to sign within thirty days. Richard Coretti