Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where To Get Sasuke Sprite Sheets

Didamatica 2010 comments to the conference presentations

Twitter to school? - E. Spadavecchia (USP - Vicenza)
How can you use Twitter to school? The positions are very different: the tool itself is
"poor" but you can use a view to-peer education and peer interaction.
Thomas Barrett identifies even 29. Platform "instant messaging service with access monitoring. Twitter used in cultural exchanges between German and Italian classes. The students interacted with peers. However, there is a proof that Twitter has improved the learning of foreign language.
Parents and fellow teachers have welcomed the initiative. Prospects of Twitter? Perhaps it will become a communication tool like Skype.
Comment: pioneering experiment, students' motivation high due to the use of informal means.

insufficient recovery with Web 2.0 - E. Valley (California)
How to use Web 2.0 tools for the recovery of deficiencies.
Comment: unspeakable action.

educational process, "Design Inspired" C. Giovanella et
other educational process, "Design Inspired". Monitor the quality dell'esperienza formativa.
Livello cognitivo, sociale, fisico ed emotivo. L'emotività influenza l'apprendimento: la comunicazione emotiva risulta essere di tipo multimodale. Come valutare il grado emotivo nei testi tipici delle interazioni on-line. Il prototipo gira sull'ambiente LIFE dell'università di Tor Vergata. Attraverso il vocabolario utilizzato si cerca di mappare le emozioni per esempio tra i partecipanti ad un Corso on-line.
Commento : interessante ma lo strumento è complesso nel suo utilizzo e nella decodifica (grafici molto complessi).

Didattica e Social Software: il Wiki (Averna e Baldassarre)
I social network rispondono ad esigenze fondamentali young people and these can also be used in teaching process. The Wiki is a very useful educational tool to be used in a targeted manner for each age level and ability. Should be adapted to use the instrument to the level of the learners.
Examples of use:
1) Living the fairy tales - a wiki for children between 5 and 7 years enriched by their contributions with the help of teachers.
2) Stage in nursery school - the teachers use the Wiki to share professional experiences with text, images, comments ... even for those not present.
3) mathematics - a wiki to help children solve mathematical problems, reading comprehension problem.
4) to prepare for the examination Wiki Status (eg. Physics)
The teacher has proposed setting up a Wiki with a glossary and links to resources on the network (video, text, etc.).
5) Wiki for guidance. creating a portal to help children navigate the selection of the faculty and to create a bridge between schools, universities.

Remarks: finding interesting ways to use the tool in many contexts

social networks and cognitive processing ()
The cognitive abilities of children are different also in enjoyment of the type of media used.
What is the relationship between media and persuasion? The "captology" which deals with the processes related persuasive to multimedia on the web (Fogg, 2005) macro-and micro-persuasion persuasion: Facebook for example. by its very structure leads to interact in the same way. In Facebook photos and status messages are important in this respect. They are fragments of autobiographical stories that stimulate empathy and emotional reactions in those who read them.

educational activities through the Social networking: Prevention 2.0 - Vagnozzi
What use can have the Educational Social Network? For example, for the prevention of addictions. Facebook is very dispersive, not good, Ning may be more suitable in this regard. But the blog may be fine (on Ning ---> "Prevention 2.0").
Testing was addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc. ..) and the intent was to improve communication with young people on this issue. The project's objectives are intended to provide an increased awareness on these issues, with a stimulus to the narrative of their experiences.
Comment: very interesting application and effective, to be tested in other contexts.


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