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Small summary notes on the Conference "Corporate Storytelling"

Small summary notes on the Conference "Corporate Storytelling"

really want to thank everyone presenters and audience (who filled the hall) for participation passionate undertaking. Raccontante were (and hear) a lot of "good stories" that have made us reflect on what the narrative does emerge in business contexts, teaching and communication.

Maybe for a few hours we were all involved in a "shared narrative", which these days is certainly not recently.


spoke of the Morning (*)

Etienne Wenger, the famous researcher who formalized the concept of "Communities of Practice," has conquered all with his skills and availability. In his speech "The role of storytelling in communities of practice" has shown how different types of narration may arise in communities of practice, contributing significantly to their development.

Roberto Saracco, head of the Telecom Future Centre in Venice, spoke in his speech "Telling the future is already" the difficulties of a large telecommunications company in communicating to the public on its work, mainly because of miles of cables, servers and equipment. He presented the Future Center in Venice, a place where the company says, in an original and interactive, presenting his identity and his vision of the future.

Cristina Cocchetti "The processes of transfer of skills," COIN of the group, spoke in glowing terms of experience of the company he helped reposition the brand and to complement the change not only in terms of image, but also of service to customers, through a series of internal training opportunities that they found in the story and sharing of experiences on the ground one of the most effective ways to make the change understandable and consistently applied to all levels of the company.

Andrea Fontana "Storytelling: strategies and intervention models of storytelling business," University of Pavia, presented an overview of the potential of storytelling in business, with particular attention alla comunicazione con il cliente. Uno degli esempi proposti ha riguardato un “magalog”, ovvero un mix tra “magazine” e “catalog” che ha permesso a un’importante azienda di mobili di presentare i propri prodotti nel contesto di una storia.

Giuseppe Marcuccio "La costruzione della consapevolezza del proprio valore in azienda" di Intesa San Paolo Private Banking, ha condiviso un’esperienza del gruppo bancario in cui 52 dipendenti/manager hanno raccontato “quello che meglio sanno fare sul lavoro”. Molto interessante è stato il processo di analisi dei racconti che ha fatto emergere differenti percezioni e modi di rapportarsi sia con i clienti che con i colleghi.

Speeches Afternoon

Anthony Mola, "The PA is renewed: the digital storytelling in the portals of public administration") of the Veneto Region, presented a new approach to public administration that needs to come close to the public also "telling" through digital storytelling.

Fabio Grigenti "The drug of the word" and Umberto Curi "The pathos of the narrative," professors of philosophy at the University of Padova, involving the audience with two speeches of great cultural importance which revealed the ancient roots of narrative, which is used in key explanatory and persuasive.

Laura Ottaviani Matteo Masiero "The narrative as a research tool and act reminiscent cultural PARIMUN presented the project, a successful experience involving universities and industry, highlighting the importance of experiential training in the management of change.

Claudia Stella , Generali Group Innovation Academy, in his speech "Voices and Faces of a story
training: an experience of storytelling to make and measure the training" has outlined a project that has found an instrument in the Digital Storytelling very useful per far emergere percezioni, aspettative e pratiche. I filmati presentati al convegno hanno stupito tutti per la qualità e il forte impatto emozionale, frutto di un lavoro appassionato che ha coinvolto molti dipendenti dell’azienda.

Alessandro Cafiero , responsabile dell’AIF Veneto, nel suo intervento “Apprendere e comprendere consapevolmente l’organizzazione” ha portato un’esperienza di formazione che ha visto nello Storytelling un punto chiave per connettere temi, obiettivi e risultati.

Corrado Petrucco, Monica Campion e Vittorio Marone dell’Università di Padova, con il nostro intervento “Storytelling & Problem Solving: situated knowledge, stories and problems, we introduced the potential of digital storytelling for problem posing and problem solving in business.

(* thanks also to Victor Marone for abstract)


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