Thursday, March 3, 2011

Counterfeit Island Poptropica Papers


Massimo Delu
I keep the balls

states had passed away a couple of decades, there was a one-world government , now in command of the world trade organization more or less as now.
La tanta temuta crisi era arrivata erano tre anni che non AUMENTAVANO i CONSUMI, nessuna speranza di contattare degli ALIENI con cui commerciare .
Gli stilisti italiani avevano già in cantiere abiti per LOCUSTIANI, RETTILIANI, MINCHIANI, dicevano : meglio anticipare i TEMPI, ma i tempi non arrivavano e neanche gli extraterrestri .
Nel frattempo nel pianeta si era formata la RESISTENZA, la parola d'ordine dei RESISTENTI era DECRESCITA.

MILANO 25 GIUGNO 2084 ore 4:30, l'alba .
Un rumore indistinct in the distance first, then gradually approaching one could guess that was a column BIG MEDIA OPTIONS.
At one point, about thirty army trucks arrived PRIVATE WTO,
the infamous SIC.
surrounding a dozen buildings of 20 floors, was an ANTI-TERRORISM.
In the district was reported intense terrorist activity, actually there were several strong in the area.
The rake was started, the fight, came screaming hundreds of homes in breaking down doors, once assembled the inhabitants of the house, were asked to leave in the meantime, the military pulled out on Plants balconies were mostly of mini gardens, we left to go to acts of pure vandalism.
bed crying children ripped from their parents tried to cheer him up was the third time in two months, which were thrown out of bed at dawn, the raids were made every day,
tomorrow would be touched by others.
Once loaded on the trucks set off the column, destination shopping center.
soon as you get the resistance were downloaded, arranged in several rows.
Then came forward one who seemed to be a SS: AT-TEN-YOU DUMB maledettiiii terrorists we have caught it again, I'd put you in prison, maledettiiiiiiii many of you have tomatoes on the terrace, this is TERRORISM !
TOMATOES be PURCHASED, it is forbidden to cultivate the cultivated there for you maledettiiiiiiii MONSANTO.
At one point, the SS came with a baby a few months with a pacifier in his mouth maledettooooooooooo small TERRORIST!
E gli strappò di bocca il CIUCCIOTTO è vecchio, disse urlando in faccia alla madre, avrà già due giorni maledettaaaaaaaa, il CIUCCIOTTO va cambiato continuamente, per questa quà ci vuole un trattamento speciale portateli a MEDIA WORLD, li spenderanno di più, che prosciughino il BANCOMAT, maledetta famiglia di risparmiatori .
Maledettiiiiiiiiii terroristi titate fuori il BANCOMAT o le CARTE di CREDITO e ora entrate immediatamente nel CENTRO COMMERCIALE e SPENDETE maledetti i CONSUMI DEVONO SEMPRE AUMENTARE, non spendere, non consumare è un ATTO di TERRORISMO, chi non CONSUMA NUOCE GRAVEMENTE al MILIARDARIO .
Even today it went well replace doors 3000, 2010 to replace television sets, consumers are recovering.
Great great idea that teams INCENTIVE FOR CONSUMERS.

But one day not far from the growth will stop or you will have to stop, otherwise EXTINCTION says mathematics, which is never wrong, can do no wrong is not Mathematics.


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