Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Doujinshi Bulma Y Vegeta

La riforma “epocale” dei giudici di pace

The Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini, speaking at the TV show "Porta a Porta" about the March 7, has recommended the reform of the justice of the peace and the measures for the disposal of pending cases civilians, as essential to the functioning of justice and to the expectations of concrete citizens.
remarkable how journalists and politicians present at the transmission again and have not commented on the opinion of Hon. Casini, returning to speak once more abstract and general measures, and farther to the understanding of ordinary citizens, on constitutional reform and the relationship between politics and justice.
We believe that the President's Party, Hon. Casini, has done well to remember now improcrastinabile the need for reform of the justice of peace, however, also insured by the government several times, before and after the recent extensions.
The reform of the courts of Peace can be defined as a well-reform "era" was considered necessary and vital since Fassino Minister in 2001, when the legislature (1999-2000), surpassing the configuration of the justice of the peace as judge of the conciliation and fairness , attributed to him more and new responsibilities for administrative and criminal penalties, making the justices of the peace for all purposes in the ordinary organs of Justice, stable and professional. Today
2571 Justices of the Peace in service through continual increases in quality and quantity skills, define about 2,500,000 cases each year: more than half of civil cases at first instance and the measures to monitor, a significant portion of criminal affairs and all the opposition to administrative penalties and procedures for immigration illegal.
Since their establishment of justices of the peace have treated more than 23,000,000 of which 13,000,000 proceedings by the judgments issued within less than a years.
Dove sarebbe mai arrivato il “debito giudiziario” del nostro Paese senza l’apporto dei giudici di pace !?
         Nonostante la efficiente e celere risposta assicurata alla domanda di giustizia, i giudici di pace, senza alcuna copertura previdenziale ed assistenziale e con rapporti temporanei non rinnovabili, conservano un trattamento assolutamente inadeguato alla funzione svolta, oltre che palesemente illegittimo, in violazione dei principi fondamentali che disciplinano il lavoro pubblico e privato.
         The reform of the justice of the peace must pursue the goal of "normalization" of the service relationship and the "legalization" of the salary and benefits. These purposes of legal culture, pursued by category, with many abstentions and seven-week strike in the last two years, can not be delayed, otherwise the deterioration of the function.
are 300 drop-in service of judges in the past three years, in addition to the deaths reached the maximum age of service. Latest entries di nuovi giudici sono avvenute nel triennio 2001-2003 ed i concorsi non possono essere riaperti senza la definizione di una riforma seria e conforme al dettato costituzionale.
         E’ legittimo chiedere che i dibattiti sulla giustizia  che interesseranno le trasmissioni televisive nei prossimi giorni ed il dibattito della stampa diano un adeguato spazio alla riforma della magistratura di pace, ossia la componente dell’universo Giustizia più vicina e visibile ai cittadini  tutti.

         The President ; The Secretary-General
Gabriele Longo ;             Alberto Rossi


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